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它仍然是无法察觉的小。It's still undetectably small.

他对错误有敏锐的察觉能力。She dabbed herself with scent.

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我察觉他对他兄弟眨眼示意。I noticed him winking at his brother.

我很快便察觉出这个人是在撒谎。I soon discerned that the man was lying.

这种微震非常特别,在陆地上无法察觉。They’re unique and not detectable on land.

全世界都没察觉这场胡闹。The prank went undetected around the world.

她又轻轻耸动下肩,几乎察觉不到动作。She repeated the almost imperceptible shrug.

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我悄悄地溜出房间,无人察觉。I slipped from the room unseen, ie unnoticed.

他们察觉出布什的说话声中带有一丝伤感。They detect a bit of wistfulness in his voice.

我们察觉那个人就是你的室友。We perceived the figure to be your room- mate.

怎样察觉的?用他的头脑撞过,准是的。How? By knocking his sconce against them, sure.

她在他丝毫没有察觉的情况下溜了出去。She slipped away without him being aware of it.

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一个难以察觉的微笑出现在了麦克墨菲的脸上。An imperceptible smile appears on McMurphy's face.

我从他的声音中察觉出一丝倦意。I detected a faint note of weariness in his voice.

所以,它非常的小,无法察觉的小。So, this is really small, this is undetectably small.

厨师的薄唇一弯,露出一丝不易察觉的微笑。A small, unobtrusive smile curved the cook's thin lips.

他远看着海面,察觉他此刻是如许孤单。He looked across the sea and knew how alone he was now.

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它所产生的蝇蕈素一旦进入血液,可以很快察觉。Amanitin can be detected in the blood almost immediately.

专家们已经察觉出经济在衰退中的征兆。Experts have detected signs that the economy is declining.

你似乎没察觉,这里边牵扯很多问题。You don't seem to realize that there's much more involved.