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他正在用套索套一匹野马。He was roping a wild horse.

野马很快就被驯服了。The wild horse tamed quickly.

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野马算是被驯服了。These broncos have been saddled.

野马也挡不住我--非去不可。Wild horse couldn't keep me away.

她的红色野马脱缰而出。Her red mustang drove like a baby.

没有知识的热情犹如脱缰野马。Zeal without knowledge is a runaway.

他几乎快要挨到这匹野马了。He had almost touched the wild horse.

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74岁的飞行员驾驶着这架p-51野马式战斗机。The 74-year-old was flying a P-51 Mustang.

那是部1992年野马六汽缸双门自动波车。It's a 1992 Mustang V6, two-door automatic.

野马猛然弓背跃起,把第二个骑手摔下了。The wild horse bucked its second rider off.

那个牛仔用套索套住了那匹失控的脱缰野马。The cowboy caught the runaway horse with a rope.

他曾经在P-51“野马”战斗机上表演过这个动作。He used to perform this maneuver in a P-51 Mustang.

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这个四分卫和野马队签了合约。The quarterback signed a contract with the Broncos.

人们不能驯服野马,所以就毁掉它们。They couldn't domesticate them, so they destory them.

一名蒙大拿州樛登市的牛仔在赶拢北美洲野马。A cowboy in Jordan, Montana rounds up bucking broncos.

这匹野马仅10秒钟就弓背跃起把骑者摔了下来。This wild bronco bucked its rider in just ten seconds.

她赋有魅力而且事业成功的丈夫这时却成了脱僵野马。Nick, her charming and successful husband, became a bolter.

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巨大的龙卷风踢这片土地上宛如脱缰野马。The huge tornado kicked across the land like a wild bronco.

小贝贝像是脱缰野马似的到处冲来冲去。Justin and Audrey looked forward to everything and anything!

就像野马要被捕捉,驯服,驯化一样Like a wild horse he must be caught, tamed and domesticated.