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火眼金睛也看不出你的虚伪。Piercing eye cannot see your hypocrisy.

让我们共同期望隐形眼睛可以帮助她们火眼金睛。Let's hope the lenses help them see more clearly.

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你的每一点儿变化都逃不出我们的火眼金睛。You have every little change in our eyes that escape.

不能让所有人炼就火眼金睛吧?Cannot let everybody refine with respect to piercing eye?

火眼金睛游戏内的速度过快?。The game is speeding up and everything is moving very fast.

从此,孙猴更炼就一双“火眼金睛”。From then on, he had a pair of fire eyes with golden pupils.

但是法庭对于虚假索赔可是有火眼金睛的。But the courts have been pretty astute at seeing through bogus claims.

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好不容易挤进店里,我用火眼金睛“盯”到了一个空位!Very not easy to squeeze into the store, I use critical "at" to a room!

他直金色头发、小口、薄唇、蓝蓝灰色火眼金睛。He has straight blonde hair, small mouth, thin lips and bluish grey piercing eyes.

这也是为何你们要对于接受的信息火眼金睛,并且要确定它能够与你“共鸣”。That is where you have to be very discerning in what you accept, and be sure it resonates with you.

以花钱为人生最大目的的贵族们都是火眼金睛的挑剔者。Thee noble are always extremely critical in life, to spend money is one of their purposes of living!

因此,即使父母们的火眼金睛会看下营养标签,也都可能被误导。So even if parents' eyes do make it as far as the nutrition label, there is another chance to be misled.

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本工具给你一双火眼金睛,让你的随时检测对方网站是否给你正确的做了友情链接。This tool is a pair of eyes to you, let your web site is at the other side of your right to do the Links.

顺着心理的想法用我那火眼金睛望去,哇靠,这些寡妇比那些小妹妹还疯狂厄!I along with the idea that psychological eyesight afar, Wakao, Eritrea widows than those attending also crazy!

为了保障自己的权益,消费者在购买三星产品时要练就火眼金睛,辨别真假李逵!In order to protect their interests, consumers in the purchase of Samsung products to be acquired eyes, to Tell Li Kui!

但就是这火眼金睛的猫头鹰到了白天,眼睛里的视杆细胞却失去了威力,成了地道的睁眼瞎。But even the piercing eyes of the owl to the day, in the eye rod cell has lost its power, became the authentic illiterate.

私人游艇、飞机、汽车、别墅、珠宝和裘皮等等,都逃不过商品采办者的火眼金睛。Private yachts , aircraft, cars, villas, jewellery and track, etc. , are not exempt from the procurement of goods golden eye.

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她们偏偏火眼金睛,洞若观火,男人的种种瑕疵劣迹,全都逃不过她们的法眼。They unluckily piercing eye, see clearly, a variety of flaw evil doing of the man, all does not escape to pass their law key point.

看来在家装公司的优惠大战中,消费者早已锻炼出火眼金睛,不被迷惑。Looks like in the home installs in company's preferential benefit war, the consumer already exercises the fierce look, is not confused.

有时把正常的资金往来误读为洗钱,缺乏发现真正洗钱行为的火眼金睛。Sometimes the normal fund intercourse misregistration is the money laundering, lacks the discovery true money laundering behavior the fierce look.