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在我面前展现出一条新的十年的凶多吉少、咄咄逼人的道路。Before me stretched the portentous , menacing road of a new decade.

鲍勃打坏了他妻子最珍贵的一个盘子,现在他可真是凶多吉少了。Bob broke one of his wife's most precious dishes and is really behind the eight ball.

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另外,一个衰退的趋势也迎面而来,虽然比债务危机来得慢但情形也是凶多吉少。Another current of gloom, slower-moving than the debt crisis but just as ominous, is also in full flow.

但是,如果你作出你不能保持,并延迟或超出预算的承诺,你会使自己凶多吉少。But if you make promises you can't keep and come in late or over budget, you do yourself more damage than good.

他又喝了一口白兰地,摇了摇他那大脑袋,像是预先知道了未来凶多吉少。And he took another swallow of the brandy, shaking his great fair head like a man who looks forward to the worst.

看来副队长是凶多吉少,想起这个,我的心情越发沉重。See to a pair the captain is to be fraught with grim possibilities, think of this, my mood is more and more heavy.

大凡知道他品性的人,见他选好位置,拿稳战斧,知道俘虏这下可是凶多吉少。Those who knew his character thought the captive in imminent danger when he took his stand and poised the tomahawk.

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大凡知道他品性的人,见他选好位置,拿稳战斧,知道俘虏这下可是凶多吉少。Those who knew His character, thought the captive in imminent danger, when he took His stand, and poised the tomahawk.

日军主力开端集结,林振海任围歼县大队的总指挥,县大队凶多吉少。The Japanese LinZhenHai as main beginning concentrated, WeiJian county brigade commander in chief, county brigade out-played.

但是正像所有从未收到过电报的人一样,送电报的人出现在门前,她便预感到凶多吉少。But like all people who never receive telegrams the appearance of a messenger at the front door is full of terrible implication.

但是正像所有从未收到过电报的人一样,送电报的人出现在前门,她便预感到凶多吉少。But like all people who never receive telegrams the appearance of a messenger at the front door is full of terrible implications.

虽然前路凶多吉少,但为了营救父亲,杨家七人依旧冒险出征。Although before road bode ill rather than well, but to rescue father, yang Jiaqi's person takes a risk as before go out for a battle.

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小燕到狱中探望振锋,可是振锋于五更前已出发,狱头指这种事情甚少发生,恐振锋凶多吉少。Xiaoyan vibration to the prison to visit feng, even prior to the start, but front of vibration in prison little head refers to this kind of thing happen, may boost feng run.

这次旅行有点不同,是一次期限可以无限延长的远征,是凶多吉少的冒险,是追赶能像敲碎核桃壳一样撞沉一艘二级战舰的动物。The trip point is different, is a time period may be extended indefinitely expedition is slash adventure, is to catch up to as sank a ship frigate animal like a walnut shell.

面向对象设计的问题非常重要,它能反映出面试者的代码质量。若是对此类问题支支吾吾,面试多半就凶多吉少了。Object oriented design questions are very important, as they demonstrate the quality of a candidate's code A poor performance on this type of question raises serious red flags.

但是,在场上表现和排兵布阵上在四分之一决赛第一回里都输给了罗马之后,曼联如果这次没有起色的话看来是凶多吉少。However, it's doubtful that they'll get away with a performance along the lines of their most recent visit to Italy, when out-played and out-thought by Roma in the first leg of the quarter-final.

如果麦凯恩用希拉里那套话来攻击奥巴马—指责他只会毫无实效地空谈—那么将会凶多吉少。因为希拉里的那套方法阻止不了奥巴马连战连捷。It hardly bodes well for Mr McCain that he is using the same line of attack against Mr Obama—eloquent but empty—that Mrs Clinton has used, so far without stopping her rival's run of primary victories.