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洪凌的作品显示出他对此深有体悟。Hong Ling's works show his realization in this field.

古丽通过她的绘画完成着她对生命的体悟。Gulistan's insight into life can be found in her paintings.

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教师体悟到教学的乐趣时,我们也便是这样的感受。When teachers feel good about teaching, this is how we feel.

专有名词就是对于多重性的当下体悟。The proper name is the instantaneous apprehension of a multiplicity.

某一天,我体悟到痛哭失声是怎样的。One day, I realize from experience to am choked with tears am what kind.

这些手法,是他在个人体悟的基础上,根据自己的文化冲动而选择和生发的。The technique is based on his experiece and grew by the cultural impulse.

那是他们生活经历及对境遇体悟的成果。It's the fruit of their life experiences and understanding of their surroundings.

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一直到他四十岁以后才将对生命的体悟真切的表现在他的自画像中。Until it is to realize the vivid behavior of the self-portrait life in the he 40 years old.

她们以女性特有的敏感,生动地展露出在时下的内心体悟。They express their inner feelings vividly in nowadays with the female-specific sensitization.

他广游禅寺、交结僧人、感悟禅理,在禅观启示下体悟社会与人生,调整自己的贬谪失衡心态。He travelled a lot, experiencing and sensing the society and human life to adapt his mentality.

这些都是禅宗传统的直觉体悟、言语道断的宗风。These are the traditional intuitive sort of understanding of Zen, verbal Road were broken wind.

你的真实本性是强大无敌的,要在练习愈珈和沉思默想中去体悟.To connect with your real nature that is unbounded and invincible,practice yoga and meditation.

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通过培养盆景,我们体悟到了人生本质和真谛,生活会变得更加美好。By nurturing bonsai, we learn the essence and dignity of life, and life becomes more meaningful.

如果你从来没有类似的经历,生活中让自己沉静片刻,或许能带给你同样美妙的体悟。Having a time of stillness in your life can be similarly wonderful, if you don’t have it already.

在此过程中,王安忆表达了自己对城市化建设的体悟与认识。In this course, Wang Anyi has expressed oneself realizing and knowing to construction of urbanization.

冯友兰先生引进了西方逻辑分析的方法,力图将长于体悟的中国哲学奠定于理智分析的基础之上。Mr. Feng Youlan tried to base China's philosophy on the reason by means of logic analysis of the West.

用亘古不变的生命体悟和情感穿透力,营造出一片无与伦比的和谐境界。It is only through life experience and feelings that we can create a relaxed and harmonious atmosphere.

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要体悟四圣谛,我们需要修行八正道,因为八正道是河的中流。To realize the FourNoble Truth we need the Noble Eightfold Path. This is the middle current of the river.

人们能够在语言中,如同在出神入化的工作中去体悟道,经验存在。One living in the language is just as experiencing Tao and Being in the work without any concept and ration.

好不容易获得的宏观经济学真知灼见今天却因为我们对我们体悟的偏信而予以排斥。Unfortunately, the hard-won insights of macroeconomics are being rejected right now in favor of visceral feelings.