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灌木已结浆果。The shrub has berried.

灌木已枯萎。The bushes have died back.

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幸运的是,他掉下时有灌木挡了一下。Luckily a bush broke his fall.

这块儿地被灌木覆被。The land is covered in shrubs.

螵虫在灌木上爬。The ladybug crawls on the bush.

落叶小乔木或灌木。Small deciduous trees or shrubs.

当不了树就做一丛灌木。Be a bush if you can't be a tree.

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落叶灌木或小乔木。Deciduous leaf bush or small tree.

她住在灌木篱笆下面的田埂里。She lived in a band under a hedge.

玫瑰是一种常青灌木或藤本植物。A rose is a perennial shrub or vine.

灌木散布于树林之中。Bushes were interspersed among trees.

澳大拉西亚常绿树木或灌木。Australasian evergreen trees or shrubs.

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类似柽柳的一种欧亚灌木。Eurasian shrub resembling the tamarisk.

一株株树,一丛丛灌木在她的四周拍打着枝叶。All the trees and bushes beat about her.

在春天,灌木生出了新叶。In spring the bush put forth new leaves.

灌木是在季末才种上的。The bush was planted late in the season.

是锦葵科黄槿属常绿灌木。Malvaceae Hibiscus is an evergreen shrub.

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血雉喜选择灌木夜栖。Blood Pheasant preferred to roost in shrub.

有些上涨,如'红双喜'灌木。Some rose bushes, such as 'Double Delight'.

那头鹿的角被灌木钩断了。The deer had his antler broken by the bush.