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提供一组接口子系统中统一的接口。Provide a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem.

上述全部文件下文中统称为“交易文件”。All documents shall be collectively referred to as the "Transaction Documents".

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这些能量要在你们的整个宇宙中统整合一将需要一些时间。It will take a while for these energies to unify throughout all of your universe.

他在个人及小组之间做好协调工作,使他们在工作中统成一个整体。He coordinates with the individual and the group in order to unify them in their work.

赵大从日军手中救出慕容清,途中被赶来的八个中统特工堵住。Zhao big rescued from the Japanese MuRongQing, on the way to be the eight middle agent stopped.

多维度是量子物理中统一场的有效性,它是存在的,是真的。Multidimensionality is a validity of the unified field, of quantum physics. It exists, it is real.

区内三迭系中统安尼锡克阶地层发育,相变剧烈。In the region the Middle Triassic Anisic Stage stratigraphic development and facies variation are rather violent.

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其坝址区区域地质构造复杂,分布侏罗系中统河湖相沉积的厚层砂岩。The regional geologic structure is complex. The rock mass is mainly composed of Jurassic sandrock and conglomerate.

结果提示大脑中统驭词汇表达的组织的原则对两种语言并不一致。The results suggest that the principles governing the organization of lexical representations in the brain are not similar for the two languages.

原来是中统赵汗青看上了历文轩的飓风演出队,拿出委任状想发展他们成为中统力量。The middle zhao history after the calendar he attributes to hurricanes in the team, take out the commission wants to develop them into middle power.

某些特殊类型的仪表标准应在整个赛科联合装置中统一,并且应只有从赛科指定的供应商处获得。Certain individual types of instrumentation shall be standardised across the SECCO complex and shall be obtained only from the SECCO nominated vendor.

最后,在结论中统整本文主要的论点后,强调从1860年到1911年体育运动在传递西方文化帝国主义的过程中具有重要的功能。The conclusion draws together the key argument that sport played a central role in the diffusion of Western cultural imperialism between 1860 and 1911.

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本溪水洞的石灰岩就是在这个时期的奥陶系下统亮山组和中统马家沟组时,经过岩化作用发育而成。Benxi water tunnel in the limestone is the Ordovician period under the EC-Hill Group and the EC in the Majiagou group, the role of a rock from development.

巩渭平只身“自首”试图换回与拯救25名官兵的性命,然而却误中中统诡计。Gong Weiping alone " confess one's crime " try to be changed with the life that saves 25 officers and soldiers, however however by accident in in all crafty plot.

同时给出一个由干涉相位图中统计量拟合出的动目标检测曲线经验公式,能够明显降低在低杂噪比条件下的虚警概率。An empirical formula derived from the statistic fitted curves in the phase interferogram was presented to reduce the false alarm rate in the low CNR condition evidently.

本文旨在分析乐曲中统整素材与幻想曲结构间的组合或对立关系,特别是二度音程在乐曲中的角色地位,期望能提供演奏、教学或相关研究者更完整而深入的资料。The role of the second intervals in the etude is especially noted. The result may provide interested performers and scholars an in depth understanding to his piano music.

根据中风的病因病机,作者抓住了风、痰、瘀、虚4个主要致病因素,将在临床中统计的198例中风病例,辨证分4型。According the apoplexys pathogeny and pathogenesis the four factors of wind, phlegm, stasis and deficiency have been grasped into treating 198 cases of apoplexy in clinic.

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在价值的多层次中统统筹兼顾,在价值的多样性中融合汇通,是中国当代电视文艺实现价值追求的基本路径。From the angle of development, the basic path which contemporary Chinese television literature pursues to realize its value is trying to attain higher fusion out of multi level and variety.

纽约正在为伊朗中统艾哈迈迪·内贾德在这个星期对美国访问做准备,他将在参加联合国大会,并到美哥伦比亚大学进行演讲。New York is preparing for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The Iranian president is visiting the United States this week and will deliver a speech to the United Nations and speak at Columbia University.

成矿温度为230-355℃,硫、铅等同位素资料表明,成矿物质来源,与深部三叠系中统火山建造有关。Its metallogenetic temperature is from 230℃ to 355℃. The isotopic data of S. Pb, etc show that the material source of metallogenesis is related to the Middle Triassic volcanic formation in deep part.