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早上好。你今天真是神采飞扬啊!Good morning. You look great today!

你看起来神采飞扬,发生什么事了?You look great today. What's happened?

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可那个时候,真的是神采飞扬的。Can that time is really in high spirits.

当我看着你的眼睛,我能看到神采飞扬。When I look in your eyes, I can feel the butterflies.

船上的人们个个都兴高采烈、神采飞扬。All of them have excited people on board, high spirits.

我知道这些不过是人们在婚礼上必说的客气话,但众人瞩目的感觉仍然使我神采飞扬。I knew it was the required line, but still I was glowing with the attention.

就是夏天也不会有这么漂亮的景色啊,她欢呼道,眼睛里神采飞扬。Summer cannot show a more beautiful sight, she exclaimed, while her eyes sparkled.

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今天和梓梓,海海,还有个海海的同事去神采飞扬玩拍娃娃,呵呵,真的好难拍到啊!Later Zizi, Haihai, Haihai's fellow and I go to press the Kitty in SCFY, It's so difficult to get!

在我哭泣的时候你却在神采飞扬,也许我在血流的时候你却在高歌激昂。I cry when you have filled in the expression, perhaps in my blood when you are passionate in singing.

健美令您充满自信。周全的训练计划,令您看来神采飞扬之外更充满信心,勇于迎接人生挑战。You will be full of assuredness and be brave in receiving challenge with Personal Trainer's encouragement.

我知道你找到了最完美的幸福,因为现在的你是多麽耀眼夺目、神采飞扬。To my dearest friend, glad that you found your true love. You'll stay as beautiful as you are right now forever.

她的饰带上佩着新鲜的玫瑰花,这同她的两颊相到辉映,那双矢车菊般的蓝眼睛更是兴奋得神采飞扬了。There were fresh roses in her sash that matched her cheeks, and her cornflower-blue eyes were dancing with excitement.

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不过,还是快说说你在纽约打算住哪儿?要知道我们都打算等你工作定了去那儿看你。“我回答着她的问题,目光却不由自主地移向那个神采飞扬的男人。Tell us more about where you'd like to live in New York, because we all plan to visit you there when you land this job.

粉质细腻柔滑,易上色,具有防水防汗效果,色泽鲜艳,明亮,令你的眼睛神采飞扬。Soft and smooth powder-easily get colored . It has the effect of waterproof and sweatproof . Bright color make your eyes attractive.

想起每次她们在同门会上不断的诉苦,然后又是神采飞扬的新的开始。I still remember the times when they told us the failure they have when searching for a work, and their full courage for a new start.

这个过程中的所有举措定格在照片中都是很活泼的,迥殊是长发飘飘的神采飞扬,绝非不飞可得。All the action of the process frozen in photo are very vivid, especially the image of long hair fluttering, it's impossible to get as not flying.

遍观生活,走过的岁月,我们在感动中成长,我们因感动而创造激情人生,我们因感动而神采飞扬。All over the concept of life, the years passed, we moved to grow, and we were moved to create a passion for life, and we were moved to high spirits.

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我会让自己尽可能的神采飞扬,穿着得体,轻声慢语,行为礼貌,不为一点小事喋喋不休,不会强烈地要规范他人,要人进步,而是严于律己。I will look as well as I can, dress becomingly , talk low, act courteously, criticize not one bit, and try not to improve or regulate anybody but myself.

拉索达曾担任洛杉矶道奇队教练,他在球队惨败的第二天参加了我的节目,从他的临场表现和神采飞扬的神情根本看不出他是一个败军之将。Tommy Lasorda, the former manager of the Los Angeles Dodgers, once came on my radio show the night after his team suffered a crushing loss in the National League playoffs.

它的亮点在于简洁,漂亮的外观自不在话下,而它的便携袋让你的耳机充电也变得方便异常,如此精巧的设计,让你一路忙来,依然神采飞扬。Striking in its simplicity, the 975 is more than just good looking — its carry case conveniently charges the earpiece, a clever design that means you can juice up on the go.