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黑昼茫茫,白夜朗朗。In blackest day, in brightest night.

朗朗是满族,郎平是满族。Lang Lang is Manchu. Lang Ping is Manchu.

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教室里充满了朗朗的读书声。The classroom is full of the sound of reading.

我听见废墟里姐姐的书声朗朗。I hear the elder sisters read aloud in the ruins

上周末你看了朗朗的钢琴演奏吗?。Did you see Langlang played the piano last weekends?

当然,这些都比不上朗朗在白宫所做的羞辱。Except, of course, for Lang Lang's White House diss.

臣仆是冥冥的黑夜,帝王是朗朗的白天。Poor grooms are sightless night, kings glorious day.

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夜空中闪烁着疏疏朗朗的几点星光。A few scattered stars were twinkling in the night sky.

朗朗被选去代替那位钢琴家演奏。Lang lang was chosen to play in place of that pianist.

期间,演员赵本山也助阵朗朗的演奏会,雅俗共赏。And he and actor Zhao Benshan perform during the concert.

让朗朗的诵经声治疗我心灵的创伤。And to cure the trauma of my soul with the oracle of Buddha.

是这种幽幽的寂静使我们朗朗的笑声发出回响。It was this cloistral hush which gave our laughter its resonance.

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听见他们的朗朗笑声,他轻轻地爬过去,看到两个身体紧紧地贴在一块。Softly he crept up on them until he could see their bod ies entwined.

一家老小围着火堆,在朗朗笑声中跳火开始了。Have families around the fire, in the Lang Lang laughter arcing began.

当事故来临的时候,其中的孩子失去了欢乐的容颜,失去了朗朗的笑声。And when the accident comes, they lost their joyful faces and hearty laughter.

芷兰刚踏进院子,就听见客厅里传来朗朗笑声。Angelica Lan Gang entered the yard, I heard laughter coming from the living room.

耳畔时时飞进欢声徜徜,悄声呢呢清笑朗朗。The ears often fly into laughter was about, whispered. It clear laughter ringing.

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天气预报高估了下雨的可能性,可眼下天是朗朗的。The forecast raised the possibility of rain, but in the meantime the sky was clear.

朗朗说他在白宫的国宴选择我的祖国是因为它曲调优美。Lang Lang said he chose 'My Motherland' for a White House dinner because of its beauty.

换个角度来看待这个问题的话,朗朗恰恰是真正领悟了莫扎特的这个“恶作剧”,而托马西尼显然没有。Another way to look at the matter is that Lang Lang gets the joke, and Tommasini does not.