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现在大家的斗志也很低。Morale is so low right now.

一个希望可以鼓舞斗志。One hope will raise our sprits.

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这可能瓦解敌军的斗志。This can paralyse the enemy's fighting will.

部队瓦解了敌军的斗志。The army paralyzed the enemy's fighting will.

它让我重新获得安宁,精力,和斗志。They help me regain peace, energy and motivation.

我们必须要在下场比赛中体现出这种斗志。We have got to make sure we show it in the next game.

雅典的天空如此蔚蓝,那是因为冲天斗志的感染。Athens sky so blue, it is because up to fight infection.

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红梅以坚定不移的斗志表现自己的品格!The red plum blossom shows her quality in her staunch will.

奥尼尔的成功只能激励着科比的斗志。O' Neal 's success can only spur the hypercompetitive Bryant.

运动员在比赛中表现出坚韧的斗志。The athletes displayed great tenacity throughout the contest.

我军把敌人打败了,这大大鼓舞了人民的斗志。The enemy's defeat by our army greatly encouraged the people.

这可能对员工的斗志和生产力产生巨大影响。This can have a disastrous effect on morale and productivity.

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有的时候,太过闲逸的生活很容易让人丧失斗志。Sometimes leading an easy life can make one forget to struggle.

我们当中有些人总是保持自己忙忙碌碌的斗志。There are some of us who keep up our morale by being always busy.

厌倦的情绪是否使你激情和斗志全无?Does the experience of boredom make you unmotivated and unexcited?

在过去每年的这个时候,湖人似乎总能找到那种斗志。In the past, the Lakers seemed to find it about this time of year.

它已侵蚀了国家的斗志并榨干了国家的经济实力。It has eroded the nation’s morale and sapped its economic strength.

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他之前曾沉寂过一段时间,但是我想他最终又燃起了斗志。He was downhearted for a while and I think he finally got himself up.

他们中的一些人还以杰出的英雄主义和坚强斗志而闻名。Some of them were distinguished by exceptional heroism and fortitude.

请用充满斗志和决心的工作来回答他们。Answer them by recommitting with energy and determination to our work.