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许多商号在这场经济恐慌中破产了。Many firms went bung in the panic.

我们是香港旅游协会的会员商号。We're member of the Hong Kong Tourist Association.

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三家商号被合并成一家公司。Three companies were amalgamated into a corporation.

该商号节日期间歇业。The firm closed business for the time of the holiday.

这家公司和那家商号应密切结合。This company and that firm should be closely brigaded.

他们商号将与一家美国公司合并。Their firm will be amalgamated with an American company.

本商号在印度和巴基斯坦的代表是贺尔先生。Our firm is represented in India and Pakistan by Mr. Hall.

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这家公司与几家日本商号有业务往来。The company has connections with a number of Japanese firms.

董事们已决定把这两家小商号归并起来。The directors have decided to merge the two small firms together.

由于横井先生退休,该商号将不再继续营业。The partnership will be discontinued owing to the retirement of Mr. Yokoi.

她把对礼物和遗赠物征税斥之为对小商号的一种威胁。She castigated the tax on gifts and bequests as a threat to small business.

第四部分其他国家或地区关于商标与商号的法律制度。Part 4 legal systems of trademark and tradename in other countries and areas.

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目前,我国还没有建立起专门的商号权法律保护制度。At present, there is no special system for the legal protection on trade names.

我相信贵公司将报盘集中于少数几家商号是有益的。I believe you will profit by confining your offer to a limited number of firms.

和顺拥有云南最古老的跨国商号。Heshun is honored with the oldest international business brand in Yunnan Province.

这家商号在市内有很多家分店,旅馆大堂还有隔壁镇上都有。That bucket shop had branches all over the city, in hotel lobbies, and in near-by towns.

到1470年,意大利梅迪奇家族*的商号已经在遍布欧洲的8个城市里设有永久员工57人。By 1470 the house of the Medicis had a permanent staff of 57 spread across eight European cities.

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菲利浦不时跟一个比较有经验的办事员出去审核某些商号的帐目。Now and then philip with one of the more experienced clerks went out to audit the accounts of some firm.

对任何企业和商号的集体管理都会不可避免地导致财务上的失效和服务提供上的贫乏。Public management of any undertakings and concerns unavoidably results in financial failure and poor service.

这家新开的商号将吸引大群大群的人,不管它质量如何,只要它广告做得好。This new firm will attract the crowds,whatever its quality, provided that it gets played up in the right way.