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反语是一种常用的修辞格。Irony is an often used figure of speech.

对照是修辞学中的一个修辞格。Antithesis is a figure of speech in rhetoric.

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本文论述修辞格的英语成语。This paper discusses rhetorical devices of English idioms.

修辞格是为了提高语言表达效果而采用的具有明显特点的表达方式。The figures of speech are used to improve the expression of language.

本文就英语和汉语修辞格中的排偶结构进行了分析对比。The paper makes an analysis and comparison on Chinese and English parallelism.

古典修辞隐喻理论认为隐喻是修辞学中的一种修辞格。Rhetoric metaphor regards metaphor as one of the figures of speech in rhetoric.

"列锦"作为一种修辞格,早在汉代便已出现。As a rhetorical device, the pile-up image had its appearance in the Han Dynasty.

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它的语言“简重真切”,运用了比喻、排比、对偶等修辞格。And a lot of rhetoric devices are used, such as metaphor, parallelism and duality.

排比是演说中英语最常用的修辞格之一。Parallelism is the most commonly used English speech in one of the figure of speech.

此外,还分析了叠音、谐音、摹声等语音修辞格在古典诗词中的修辞功能。In addition, the paper analyses phonetics rhetoric form"s function in ancient poetry."

英语中的修辞格矛盾修饰法,是一种特殊的语言现象。Oxymoron, as one of English rhetorical devices, is a special language phenomenon in English.

传统的修辞理论把隐喻和换喻作为两个并列的修辞格。Metaphor and metonymy are treated as two different figures of speech in traditional rhetoric.

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借代是英、汉语中的第二大修辞格。Metonymy vehicles are the second most popular rhetorical vehicles in both English and Chinese.

比喻是语言中历史最悠久的修辞格之一。As one of the oldest rhetorical devices, tropes are often employed in English news publications.

双关修辞格是一种依靠语音的相似和意义的分歧形成的修辞格。Punning is a rhetoric device composed by the similarity in pronunciation and divergence in meaning.

文章从心理语言学的角度,探讨多种修辞格运用的心理语言学基础。The paper will probe into rhetorical devices in adverting English on the basis of psycholinguistics.

文章论述了修辞格的解码功能,并探讨了如何利用修辞格解码功能的问题。The article discusses the decoding function of the figures of speech and probes how to make use of it.

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从明喻、隐喻、借喻三个方面对英语文学作品中的比喻修辞格进行了赏析。Appreciation is given on simile, metaphor, and metonymy all together three aspects in English literature.

作为一种修辞格,呼语常被用在诗歌中,并伴随着示现或拟人的形式出现。As a kind of figure of speech, apostrophe often appears in poetry in the form of vision or personification.

通过分析校园流行语的修辞格,可以窥见当代大学生的心理特征。This article reveals psychological features of modern collegians through the rhetoric of campus'popular language.