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他跟投机倒把分子有瓜葛。He's got mixed up with speculators.

正如艾伯特丁尼生所说的,投机倒把里出现了裂罅。There was a rift within the loot, as albert tennyson says.

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正如艾伯特·丁尼生所说的,投机倒把里出现了裂罅。There was a rift within the loot , as Albert Tennyson says.

有的只是跟风、耍流氓、投机倒把。Some just follows suit, behave like a hooligan, play the market.

正常来说,投机倒把是通过增加库存量来推动商品价格增长。Normally, speculation drives up commodity prices by promoting hoarding.

中国领导人承诺严查和惩罚囤积居奇和投机倒把分子。China's leaders promise to hunt down and punish hoarders and speculators.

中国领导人承诺严查和惩罚囤积居奇和投机倒把分子。China’s leaders promise to hunt down and punish hoarders and speculators.

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早中期的作品都是油嘴滑舌,投机倒把,见缝插针的类型。In the middle of early works are slippery, speculation and profiteering, TDD type.

我们在过去两周内所采取的措施已经有效地遏制了投机倒把。"The measures we have taken over the past two weeks have effectively curbed speculation, " said Mr.

这次赚到钱是你捡漏儿,以后不许做投机倒把的事情了。This time you've made money because you've made use of the loophole, but I warn you not to do it again.

政府授权工商部门严厉取缔投机倒把活动。Departments in charge of industry and commerce are authorized by the government to ban speculation and profiteering.

这些足球俱乐部有一些为苏联解体后的寡头政客们所拥有,或是被从美国来的投机倒把者所购买,另外还有一些负债累累。Several are owned by post-Soviet oligarchs or carpetbagging Americans, and some are burdened with perilous levels of debt.

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去年5月印花税的上调是为了缓和股民过于狂热的劲头,这种劲头让申银万国那样的证券公司变成投机倒把活动迅速膨胀的赌场。A rise in the tax last May was intended to temper the animal spirits that were turning brokers like Shenyin & Wanguo into heaving gambling dens.

不止一个人把那些一直在卖空银行类股票的家伙称为“投机倒把分子”,我猜想,政客们将会要求对这些人严加约束。Politicians, I suspect, will demand tough constraints on what more than one has called "the spivs and speculators" who have been short-selling bank shares.

一家中国公司正在和政府打官司,在当局已投机倒把为由关闭了他的卖月球土地的生意之后。Chinese company is fighting for the right to pitch plots of land on the moon for sale after authorities shut the scheme down on charges of profiteering and lunacy.

通过“投机倒把”已经是村里最富的王捐出了部分钱并募集村民捐款。Mr Wang, who had become one of the village's wealthiest men by wheeling and dealing elsewhere, donated some of his own money and organised villagers to add theirs.

想想私人名下的ABC幼儿护理中心在市场中投机倒把,导致儿童服务行业损失了上百万的澳洲客户。Think of privately owned ABC Childcare centres which were gambled on the market, resulting in Childcare services being lost to millions of parents around Australia.

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我们同商业金融的垄断势力、投机倒把分子、不顾后果的银行作业、阶级敌对、派系倾轧、发战争财行为进行了斗争,它们是和平的宿敌。We had to struggle with the old enemies of peace -? business and financial monopoly, speculation, reckless banking, class antagonism, sectionalism, war profiteering.

现有政策的继续推行成了自去年初开始的一系列加强政策的一部分,包括两次利率上调,为了打压房地产市场中的投机倒把行为和展现对穷人的关切。Its decision to press ahead now is part of stepped-up efforts since early last year, including two interest-rate rises, to curb speculation in the property market and show the poor it cares.

炒股的念头,在她的人生观中,只有认真工作赚到的钱,才是真正属于自己的钱,那些投机倒把得来的钱,也许哪天就不属于自己的了。Stir-fry the mind of , in her philosophy of life, money only hard work to earn, be truely belong to own money, those speculations pour money for getting, probably which day don't belong to own.