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他一张张地翻乐谱。He leafed through the music.

这些先生们看乐谱吗Could these gentlemen read music?

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她又踢又打,抓起乐谱撕烂。She punched, thrashed and kicked.

多数这类琴行都出售我的活页乐谱。Most of those stores sell my sheet music.

无从得知这个乐队演奏时是否看乐谱It's not clear that this particular group could.

她从很小的时候就能识乐谱。She was able to read music from early childhood.

这就是我们今天的乐谱上的东西So that's what we've got on the sheet for today.

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著名作曲家在他的乐谱上亲笔签名。The famous composer autographed copies of his music.

好,对 绝大多数的古典音乐是写在乐谱上的。Okay.That's--yeah.Most classical music is written down.

这样难的乐谱、看一眼就唱出来、得先练习。I can't sing this hard music at sight , I need practice.

还有单簧管和用于单簧管独奏的乐谱。There is a clarinet and the sheet music for clarinet solos.

你学弹吉他时看乐谱还是不看乐谱?Did you learn to play the guitar by ear or by reading music?

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我从乐谱上自学了这首曲子,就为了他。I taught myself the tune from the sheet music, just for him.

现有乐友需要以下长笛乐谱,有条件提供的朋友请帮忙。The following flute scores are needed for some music fanciers.

她很骄傲地不用乐谱就弹得出古典曲子。With proudness she plays classic piano parts without music paper.

右手乐谱中,前三个和弦是弱奏,第二组的三个和弦是强奏。In the RH, the first 3 chords are soft, and the second 3 are forte.

最早的中国戏曲乐谱出现于清代。The earliest notations for Chinese opera date from the Qing period.

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只要踩下踏板或者触摸屏幕,便可翻阅电子乐谱。Use the pedal to turn digital sheet music or just touch the screen.

我们不可能尝试着,记住乐谱上所有的东西,太复杂了We're not going to try to remember everything in music--too complex.

任何伟的音乐家都不会将一首交响曲和一张印刷的乐谱相混淆。No great musician confuses a symphony with the printed sheet of music.