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镇守这座城市的敌军投降了。The enemy that garrisoned the city surrendered.

阆中古城有关张飞的传说流传甚多,皆源于张飞镇守阆中的历史。There are many legends of Zhang Fei in the ancient city of Langzhong.

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应该给你们弄杆军旗来才对,这些都是镇守平坦之途的罗马士兵We should get you flags okay, because these are the Romans defending the easy pass.

马尔蒂尼从左后卫移到中路,与加利一起镇守后防。Paolo Maldini was moved from left-back to the heart of the defence, alongside Filippo Galli.

同样的传闻暗示了这些空间被难以置信的强大的怪物镇守,因此要当心!The same rumors imply that these rooms are guarded by incredibly powerful monsters, so beware!

二者从而构成了九边总兵镇守制度的制度渊源与地理基础。Both composed the system origin and the geography foundation of the Nine FrontierZongbing defense system.

威武庄重的四大金刚,镇守山门,保护佛、法、僧三宝。The four mighty solemn King Kong, the gate guarding, the protection of the Buddha, France, the monks Sambo.

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不过目前在意甲中年龄最大的是巴洛塔,他已经42岁了依旧在为拉齐奥队镇守球门。However, the oldest player in the top flight is Marco Ballotta, who at 42 is still defending the Lazio goal.

而如果有一支丹麦镇守部队正巧在雷克雅未克的话,丹麦士兵可能会协助防守者。If by chance a Danish patrol vessel were present in Reykjavík, the Danish sailors might assist the defenders.

卫辽将镇守四方的几位将军请来,提出要取荣狄而代之!Liao will guard who square, this paper puts forward several generals to take honor, please sardis instead the!

刘五的权力被全面剥夺,成了“待命”的榆林镇守使,从此一蹶不振。Liu Wu's power was completely deprived of the "standby" of the Yulin garrison, and unable to get up after a fall.

“当阿奎拉尼和马斯切拉诺联手镇守中场的时候我们完全控制了比赛的节奏,”拉法说道。“这对于球队来说非常重要。”"In the middle we had Mascherano and Alberto controlling the game and the tempo, " said the boss. "That was really good.

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阿根廷小伙是一名很有潜力的球员,从03年首次出场后,镇守中场右路,固若金汤。The Argentine prospect has been a prominent player in Boca's current side on the right of midfield since debuting in 2003.

“黄将军真是圣人门徒,只要黄将军镇守边关,北国将士永不犯关”。"You are really a disciple of Confucius, General Huang. we will never invade your frontier, As long as you garrison here".

保罗和威廉姆斯将会作为老兵镇守后场,他们需要一到两个年轻球员让他们去言传身教,就像基德曾经为他们做的一样。With Paul and Williams the veterans of the team, they will need a young protégé or two to mentor just as Jason Kidd did for them.

你想不到法比奥会在联赛中首次亮相,也想不到奥谢能很好的镇守中路。You'd never have guessed Fabio was making his Premier League debut and John O'Shea slotted in at centre-back with great assurance.

于是他让这两位将军手持武器立于门旁镇守,第二天夜里就再也没有鬼魅骚扰了。So he let the two generals carrying weapons remain guarding the main entrance, the next day no ghosts on the night of the harassment.

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在斯克特尔缺阵及卡队副受伤的情况下,威尔森昨晚和基叔拍档打中卫镇守利物浦的防线。Wilson partnered Sotirios Kyrgiakos at the heart of the Liverpool defence in the absence Martin Skrtel and the injured Jamie Carragher.

辽东总兵的设立是明初统治者对辽东镇守体制不断探索的结果。The establishment of Liaodong Zongbing was the fruit of the guarding system, which was explored by the early rulers of the Ming Dynasty.

接下来一周客战热刺,梅雷莱斯仍旧镇守中路要津,这也是第一次在联赛的关键战役中没有被安排打右前卫。Meireles kept his central position in the away match to Tottenham the following week, the first big league game for which he wasn't moved wide.