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打包带设备。Packing Belt.

带好安全设备。Carry safety gear.

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不准有无线设备。No wireless devices.

请勿从地面拖行设备。Do not drag facilities.

他们给房顶装置了防火设备。They fireproofed a roof.

它们是设备特定的。They are device specific.

为何在普及性设备上?Why on a pervasive device?

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毕竟是无线电设备发出的。after all, radios do that.

这是一个安全无故障的设备。That is a fail-safe device.

生产设备。The manufacturing facility.

虚拟设备驱动器?。VDD? Virtual Device Driver?

我们是固体的设备。We are solid-state devices.

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孔用的一种设备。A device that do gang punch.

性能先进的混砂设备。It is kind of advanced Mixer.

航空设备也不用这么麻烦“The design would be simpler."

工具设备,堆垛机的小麦。Tool Maker, Stacker of Wheat.

这对于一个设备来说太快了。It's a lot faster of a device.

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我们的机器设备座落在那里。That's where the machines are.

排灰设备的排灰才能。The ash can row ash equipment.

这所学校设备简陋。The school is poorly equipped.