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与其想他,还不如去找周公。And to him, as well as to find Zhou Gong.

当你的身体觉醒时,你会拖着不行周公之礼吗?Do you procrastinate on sex when you’re physically aroused?

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周公奔楚是客观存在的历史事实。The incident "Zhou Gong Going to Chu" is a historical fact.

周公镇压了叛乱,蔡叔被流放。The Duke of Zhou suppressed the rebellion, and Cai Shu was exiled.

范公、周公都是画像,吕公是偶像。Gong, are portraits of the Duke and Geophysical Exploration & yes idols.

周公是西周初期杰出的思想家和政治家。Duke Zhou was an outstanding ideologist and politician in the Western Zhou period.

周公仰而思之,夜以继日,幸而得之,常坐以待旦。Week Gongyang thinking, round the clock, fortunately, often sit waiting for the dawn.

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周公是否称王,在封建时代曾是一个重大的政治问题。Zhougong's lording or not is an important political issue in feudal society of China.

故此,也就有了迟到、早退、旷课,在课堂上与周公相见。Therefore, we also had late, leave early, absenteeism , and Duke meet in the classroom.

在晚上总是无法抵挡那宁静的夜色和气氛,白天又总舍不得周公的热情招待。At nights, I always cannot withstand the quiet atmosphere, while at days I want to sleep more.

然而今天的世界不同于周公,人类并不需要被统治在某个贤德的大国之下。There is now no need, he says, as there was in the Duke of Zhou's day, for one predominant state.

他说,就像周公时期一样,当今的国家也没有必要追求主导地位。There is now no need, he says, as there was in the Duke of Zhou’s day, for one predominant state.

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周武王去世的时候,他的儿子周成王还太小,他的叔叔周公。When King Wu died, his son King Cheng was too young and his uncle, the Duke of Zhou, became regent.

研究同时发现,有近40的夫妻一个多月来没有行周公之礼。The survey also found that nearly 40 per cent of married couples had not had sex in more than a month.

如乐山大佛、周公山、东汉石刻、蒙顶山等,是偶然的巧合还是有什么特殊的原因?Are there any coincidences between or any special reasons for Jiaguan sandstone and the tourism cultural?

成家立业这日很幸运能和周星驰们傻春起参加毕业典礼,斯坦福大学是世界上最好周公解梦大学之傻春。I am honored to be with you today and your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world.

我们现在比赛,谁先梦见到周公,如果我赢了,你让我亲一下,如果你赢了,我让你亲一下!We now races, who first dream to see Zhou Gong, if I win, you let me kiss you, if you win, I let you kiss!

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据说这一重大措施是周初的大政治家周公开始颁行的。Tradition has it that these rules were promulgated by the first great ruler of the dynasty, the Duke of Zhou.

悦周公、仲尼之道,北学于中国。Pleased with the doctrines of Zhou Gong and Zhong Ni, he came northwards to the Middle Kingdom and studied them.

成王长大后,周公让他掌管政事,告诫他不要骄傲奢侈。After King Cheng grew up, Zhou gong returned the government to him and warned him not to be conceited or extravagant.