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船改变航向逆风而行。The ship tacked against the wind.

飞机顶着强逆风飞行。The plane bucked a strong headwind.

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这艘船正逆风而上。The ship is beating against the wind.

逆风逆水,走,也去庆祝。When things are going well, celebrate.

对于一只盲目航行的船来说,所有方向的风都是逆风。To a crazy ship all winds are contrary.

我们逆风航行一小时。We sailed against the wind for an hour.

帆船沿岸边逆风而驶。The sailboat was beating along the coast.

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因此方帆船无法逆风航行。Therefore square-riggers cannot sail upwind.

要是风改变了方向,难道我们就应该逆风而上么?If the wind changes direction, why resist it?

逆风会把飞机抬得高些。The wind lifts the ship up to higher heights.

靠著上帝,基督徒能逆风而行。Christian rises against the winds of adversity.

在火头前方存在逆风区。There exits an upwind zone in front of fire front.

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在逆风的时候,船走得很慢。The boats travel very slowly when the wind is foul.

逆风而行。人不孤单,心孤单。Lean against the wind. Were not alone, the heart alone.

逆风更好,能让你远离毒气。Upwind is better to keep away from any poisonous fumes.

第二杆的码数打足就好,不必多加,除非逆风。No need to add yards for approach shot, unless wind is on.

逆风而行时,束缚是不可或缺的。Restraint is necessary counter-part to the winds of opposition.

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他们使帆成为逆风向以便在暴风中保持既定航道。They laid the sails aback so as to stay on course in the storm wind.

如果你不知道你要驶向哪里,那么什么风都是逆风。If you don't know your directions, even the wind will blow against you.

低温和长冬使第二风化阶段延长,并呈现逆风化趋势。The weathering trend of second stage is contrary to the normal profiles.