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她的衣着很简朴。Her dress is severely plain.

言承旭也是一个很简朴的人。Jerry Yan is also a simple person.

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停止物欲增长,保持简朴。Stop expanding and keep it simple.

我欣赏那种简朴的家庭生活。I relished that simple family life.

但是教室本身却非常简朴。But the classroom itself is austere.

他为我们树立了简朴生活的榜样。He set us an example of plain living.

散着淳厚简朴的暗光。For a pure and honest simple dark-light.

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这是一座简朴但极具禅意的古寺。This is a very simple but the Zen temple.

这是凡尔赛宫里一个稍简朴的卧房A little modest bedroom there in Versailles.

简朴的农夫正忙着耕田种地。And thrifty farmers, as they tilled the earth.

在这座简陋的茅屋里,尤达过着简朴的生活。Inside the hut, Yoda lived a simple existence.

简朴地说,这是上腰牛排加调味料。Simply speaking, it's sirloin steak with sauce.

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赢得这次竞赛是很简朴的事。Winning this contest is going to be a cakewalk.

有一个大食柜,简朴而美观。There was a huge cupboard, simple and beautiful.

成行排列的简朴的白色墓石竖立在墓前。Lines of simple white headstones mark the graves.

有一个大食橱,简朴而美观。There was a huge cupboard , simple and beautiful.

他自己则总以低调和简朴的形象出现在公众场合。But he presents himself as self- effacing and penurious.

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从前有个皇后姓马,她生活非常简朴。Once upon a time, there was a Queen whose surname was Ma.

房间仍然很简朴,四面都是饰有圆点的绿色空墙。The room remains simple with bare , stippled green walls.

再一次,人类回到依靠陆地而生活的简朴状态中。Once again humans returned to simple living from the land.