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冉阿让疲乏不堪。Jean Valjean was fatigued.

由于焦虑,他感到疲乏不堪。He feels wrung out with anxiety.

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他的思维由于疲乏而丧失了活力。His thoughts drooped with fatigue.

他蹒跚地走回家,感到十分疲乏。He haggled home and felt very weary.

您这段感到比之前更容易疲乏吗?。Do you feel more tired thn previously?

我推说疲乏就告退了。I pleaded fatigue, and excused myself.

走了恁地长的路你一定疲乏了。After such along walk you must be tired.

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少年人不知道什麽叫疲乏。The youth do not know what weariness is.

我的性命变失疲乏,无由的饿渴。My life grows tired, hungry to no purpose.

早上晨起时你觉得疲乏吗?Do you wake up in the morning feeling tired?

除了疼痛外,我感到发硬和疲乏。Besides aching, I fee1 stiffening and fatigue.

我跑完长跑后疲乏极了。I was a tired man when the long race was over.

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有一些人会因为太疲乏了,吝于一个微笑。Some people are too tired to give you a smile.

从头到脚的疲乏让我吃惊。My weariness amazes me, I'm branded on my feet.

完全就是吃果果的令人发指的懒惰和疲乏。It is just blatantly and brutally LAZY and TIRED.

他那红通的脸显得又惊惶又疲乏。His rubicund face expressed consternation and fatigue.

你看来很疲乏,想必你是干了一整天的活了。You look worn out. You must have been working all day.

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热风使得很多人感到疲乏和压抑。Warm winds make many people feel enervated and depressed.

她由于身体疲乏,勇气降到零点。Her courage was lowered to zero by her physical lassitude.

安慰忧伤者,鼓励心灵疲乏者是你的目标。Aim to comfort the sorrowful, and to animate the desponding.