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印度的露天教室,小学生席地上课。Pupils sit on the ground in an open-air classroom in India.

夜晚来临时,侏儒和他的马双双席地而眠。When night fell, the dwarf and his horse slept on the grass.

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他尽责地从头到尾不离席地看宛那些他职责上必检查的影片。He conscientiously sat through the movies which it was one of his official duties to censors.

我们将在当地导游的带领下,骑着骆驼旅行,支起帐篷宿营,席地而卧。We'll be travelling by camel, with local guides, camping in tents and sleeping on the ground.

一般阿拉伯家庭是席地用餐,并用手抓食,做客时最好入乡随俗。General Arabian family is seated meals, with the hand prey, as a guest best do as the Romans do.

他在莫拉苏尔长大,与12名家庭成员生活在一间棚屋中,在泥土地面上席地而眠。He grew up in Molasur, living with 12 family members in a single-room hut, sleeping on a mud floor.

那是个奇异的地方,狂风暴雨不断,当地人不种粮食作物,而且在湿漉漉的地上席地而眠。It was a strange place, with terrible storms. Its people grew no food, and they slept on the wet ground.

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小丸子留宿着花苹和大树返回房内睡,最后花苹命大树席地而睡。The small meatball stay with apple and the tree back to the room to sleep, finally take apples deadly night tree to sleep.

大多数的街上都充斥了无家可归席地而眠的人,甚至有着更多饮酒多年,为喝酒才活着的酒鬼。Most streets are covered by sleeping homeless people even more the alcoholics who are drunk for years living only to drink.

弗拉基米尔普京紧挨着麦克泰森席地然而坐,然而玛格丽特撒切尔夫人抓着她的手提包,神情高傲的注视着一切。Vladimir Putin rests his legs next to a sprawled-out Mike Tyson, while Margaret Thatcher -- clutching her handbag -- looks on with disdain.

那些沉睡于羽毛中的梦想,并不比席地而眠的梦想更美好,我又怎能对生命的公正丧失信心?How can I lose faith in the justice of life, when the dreams of those who sleep upon feathers are not more beautiful than the dreams of those who sleep uon the earth?

沙漠里多的是干旱天气,每当这时,土著人便席地而睡,并在身体的两边生上一小堆火,在头的前方用树枝架起一个挡风屏障。In the dry weather, which predominates in the desert country, the aborigines sleep on the ground, with a small fire on either side, and a windbreak of boughs at their heads as protection.