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观众中纳粹的百分率是多少?What percentage of the audiences is Nazi?

添加一个累计百分率的柱形到图中。Add a cumulative percentage column to the table.

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年日照百分率呈双波型变化。The sunshine percentage show double wave variation.

一个非相加测度的例子就是百分率。An example of a nonadditive measure is a percentage.

这个增长百分率缓慢的区域称为坪。This region of slow percentage increase is called the plateau.

在X轴上标出原因,Y轴上标出累计百分率。Plot with causes on x-axis and cumulative percentage on y-axis.

所有州的平均人均出口这种武器的百分率是11.7。The rate of “export” of such weapons is 11.7, on average, for all states.

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变动百分率是以未进位前的指数数字计算。Percentage changes are calculated using the unrounded figures of the indices.

细胞凋亡百分率的时程变化规律与TUNEL阳性细胞数的变化规律一致。The time course of apoptotic percentage paralled that of TUNEL-positive cells.

图5、日月潭暹罗副双边鱼摄食食物种类出现频率百分率之季节变化。Fig. 5. Season changes the percentage of diet frequency occurrence of Glassfish.

请得出长途电话每分钟破费的大约增加的百分率?Find the approximate percent decrease in the cost per minute of a long-distance call?

感染百分率可否受先前流感疫苗注射保护。What percentage of those infected might have been protected by prior influenza shots.

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括号内数字指未经季节性调整的按季变动百分率。Figures in brackets denote seasonally unadjusted quarter-to-quarter percentage changes.

通常情况下,它们代表应用程序功能的一个关键百分率。More often than not, they represent a critical percentage of application functionality.

把纤维束按其所含纤维根数分为五档,用其重量百分率评定分梳质量。According to the quantity of individual fibres, the fibre tufts are divided into five grades.

颗粒腺所占的数量百分率比正常状态下低,且背部皮肤变化明显。The quantity rate of granular glands were lower than normal strate, which distinct in the back.

网点百分率以单位面积计,黑实的半色调网点所?的百分率。Percentage dot area In an unit area, the percentage area of a half-tome that is covered by dots.

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热舒适,有效温度,预测平均评价,预期不满意百分率。Thermal comfort, effective temperature, predicted mean vote, predicted percentage dissatisfaction.

您无法简单地将两个事实的百分率相加到一起,并产生有意义的结果。You simply cannot add the percentages from two facts together and come up with a meaningful result.

状似圆饼的美术图形,它的切开部分表示不同的数值或百分率。Pie chart A graphic diagram representing a pie, the portions of which vay to indicate values or percentages.