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她成天唠唠叨叨地找他岔子。She nagged at him all day long.

她成天弹琴唱歌。She plays and sings all day long.

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那个家伙成天迷迷糊糊的。The guy is always a little trippy.

她成天过着旅行包式的生活。She's always living out of a suitcase.

别把孩子们成天关在屋里。Don't keep the children inside all day.

很多成天忧心忡忡的人天生富有想象力。Many worriers are gifted with imaginations.

这些活蹦乱跳的孩子就够你成天忙碌了。These lively children keep you on your toes.

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牛背上牧童的短笛,这时候也成天嘹亮地响着。The cowboy is blowing his flute all day long.

我成天都在取消按揭回赎权,这让人们很高兴。I make people happy all day with foreclosures.

成天享乐的袋鼠终将滨临绝种危机?Kangaroo having fun will extinct in thw world?

我觉得是.你成天对着你的女儿大喊大叫.Yes, I do. You shout at your daughter everyday.

残酷的妖精,魔鬼在自己伪装成天使。Cruel seductress , devil in disguise as an angel.

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你知道我就看不惯那种成天嚷嚷嚷的人。You know how I hate people who bawl all the time.

现在收音机里成天都在放这首歌曲。They play this song all the time on the radio now.

难道他只会成天躺在那里闻岛上的鸡蛋花香吗?But did he just lie back and smell the frangipani ?

成天受嘲讽是很令人泄气的。It's very discouraging to be sneered at all the time.

有个成天梦想成星的小姑娘,长途飞行期间,身边坐着一个律师。A starlet is seated next to a lawyer on a long flight.

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除了革新,你们这帮人成天到底在干嘛?What business were you people in other than innovation?

我的儿子成天和白莲教的人厮混在一起。My son allied himself with the people of the White lotus.

多花点时间在军政大事上,不要成天四处游荡You'd better care about military things more than you do.