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我们止不住屏息以待。We're not holding our breath.

让我们都屏息以待吧。We all wait with bated breath.

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好像这整座陋屋在屏息谛听。The shabby house seemed to listen.

我们一踏进这间教室,顿时屏息凝神,惊讶不已。At the moment we entered, our breath froze.

那么我们人类的屏息过程已经到达极限了吗?So have we reached the breath-holding limit yet?

你偷我的心,你把我屏息赞叹。You steal my heart, and you take my breath away.

他们可以说是屏息以待结果。They waited, as it were, breathless for the result.

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这首歌动听极了,我禁不住屏息而听.The song was so beautiful it made me catch my breath.

枭鸟唱歌,夜莺屏息。When the owl sings,the nightingale will hold her peace.

当她站上舞台时,我们都屏息以待。We all waited with bated breath while she took the stage.

她的声音使我身不由主地凑上前去屏息倾听。Her voice compelled me forward breathlessly as I listened.

在清澈的夜空下我凝神屏息,微微颤抖。I stand breathless and shivering beneath a clear night sky.

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而碧血黄沙,万众屏息的斗牛场面在音乐里又向我们迎面扑来。And the impassioned corrida scene come from the music to us.

他屏息静气,等着看他们走哪条路。He held his breath, waiting to see which way they would take.

最近,屏息潜水已经成为一种竞技运动。More recently, breath-hold diving has become a competitive sport.

在最后一个25米,只在起点吸口气然后保持屏息游进。On the final 25, take one breath at the start and then THAT'S IT.

我先量一下您的体温,您在发烧。现在听一下您的胸部,吸气,屏息,呼气,很好。我想您得了流感。Hold your breath. Breathe out. That's it. I think you've got the flu.

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我们都在屏息以待,指望您在这儿大展身手咧。We're all just waiting with breath to see what you can do around here.

你会觉得,这些思想似乎无一特别值得屏息以待。It may strike you that none of these ideas seem particularly breathtaking.

吸气,让肺部充满大约三分之二,然后内屏息。Inhale so the lungs are about two-thirds full, and then hold the breath in.