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他的上衣和他合身。His coat fits well.

是的,合身极了。Yes,it fits perfectly.

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你的衣服很合身。Your clothes fit well.

你的外套很合身。Your coat fays in well.

我的衣服也合身多了。My clothes fit better too.

那件外衣你穿着很合身。The coat sits well on you.

这短裙你穿很合身。This skirt fites you well.

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试穿一下这件外套看是否合身。Try on this coat for size.

你可以放小一英寸,就会处处皆合身了。Then it'll fit like a glove.

这件羊毛套衫你穿很合身。This pullover fits you well.

你穿这件洋装很合身。This dress fits you very well.

这件罩衫剪裁得很合身。This is a well-tailored blouse.

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穿着好看和合身的衣服。Wear clothes that flatter and fit.

勺子的脖子。无袖。合身。Scoop neck. Sleeveless. Formfitting.

裁制合适的上衣应该很合身。A well- tailored jacket ought to set well.

试试这件茄克,看看是否合身。Try on this jacket and see if it fits you.

他穿了件很不合身的绿色灯芯绒西装。He wore an ill-fitting green corduroy suit.

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大小正合适,非常合身!It 's just the right size---a prefect fit !

你把它们抻一抻,也许就合身了。Perhaps they'll fit you if you stretch them.

合身的领子和武器的自我约束力。Form-fitting self binding at collar and arms.