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这里不卖红薯馅饺子。I couldn't find sweet potato dumplings here.

流行的配菜包括小红莓和红薯。Popular side dishes include cranberries and sweet potatoes.

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受欢迎的配菜包括小红莓和红薯。Popular side dishes include cranberries and sweet potatoes.

红薯皮上含有良多有益安康的养分物质。Sweet potato skin contains many useful nutrients in Ankang.

冰爽摩摩喳喳,芋头,红薯,豆,西米和冷椰奶。Boiled taro, sweet potato, beans, sago in cold coconut milk.

假米由土豆,红薯和塑料混合制成。The “rice” is made by mixing potatoes, sweet potatoes and plastic.

生产的“凤凰”牌系列红薯产品质量优良。Production of "Phoenix" brand sweet potato products of good quality.

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有些人以玉米,木薯,西米,红薯为主食。Some people consum corn, cassava, sago or sweet potato as staple food.

红薯渣为红薯淀粉加工过程中的副产物。Sweet potato residue is the by-product of sweet potato starch process.

很多中国人认为,白露时节最好的食物是红薯。Many Chinese believe that the best food during White Dew is sweet potatoes.

他们卖甜不辣、红薯、四季豆、鱿鱼、香菇还有鱼板。They've got tempura, yams, green beans, squid, mushrooms, and fish patties.

高家,柳细腰将红薯上锅,小草快乐地站在厨房守着。Liu, GaoGu on narrow pot, sweet grass will be happy to stand in the kitchen kept.

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目前广泛存在和使用的是手摇式红薯切片机。At present, the existence and widespread use of the hand-style sweet potato slicer.

搭配这款美食,需要浇了芥末撒了小香葱的红薯沙拉。To top off this delectable dish, serve a Two-Potato Salad With Mustard-Chive Dressing.

我们还没来得及阻止他,他已经冲进了红薯地,挖出了一块红薯。Before we could stop him, he had rushed on to a potato plot and dug up one of the potatoes.

将干燥后的红薯叶放入铁锅中炒,注意不要炒糊焦。Fry the dried sweet potato leaves into iron boiler and pay attention to do not fry to burn.

对红薯酸牛奶的配料组合、生产工艺和发酵条件进行了探讨。The best fermentation conditions and processing technique were determined in this experment.

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她认为营养价值最高的四种蔬菜是菠菜、花椰菜、胡萝卜和红薯。Her "fab four" of nutrient-dense vegetables are spinach, broccoli, carrots and sweet potatoes.

她敦促农民种植红薯,红薯这抗寒作物在城市厨房中正时兴。She has urged farmers to start growing sweet potatoes, a hardy crop in vogue in urban kitchens.

柿子不宜与泡菜、黑枣、螃蟹、鹅肉、鸡蛋、红薯和醋同食。Don't eat persimmons with sauerkraut, black dates, crab, goose, eggs, sweet potato, and vinegar.