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我们在土地上生活。We live on land.

他将土地出租。He farmed out his land.

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他的土地和我的土地相毗连。His land abuts on mine.

这块土地未种庄稼。The land is out of crop.

他们有肥沃的土地。They have a fecund soil.

一部分土地用绳子隔开了。They roped him to a tree.

什么是土地退化?What is land degradation?

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你的土地,你这傲慢的贱人!Your land, insolent slut!

围墙围住那块土地。A fence encloses the land.

阿曼尼会再次统治这片土地的!Da Amani gonna rule again!

续期土地出让金。Land Transfer Renewal Fee.

农民给自己的土地施石灰肥料。The farmer limed his land.

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他的土地紧靠公路。His land abuts onto a road.

我为净化这片土地而来。I come to clea e this land.

他们就靠那干燥的土地生活。They live on the arid land.

这杯杜松子酒,这咸咸的土地。This gin, this salty earth.

雨水使土地变松。The rain softened the earth.

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这块土地上玉米长得很好。Corns grow well in this soil.

土地乃财富之母。Land is the mother of wealth.

这个农场的土地非常肥沃。This farm has very rich land.