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但这里也有陷阱。But there are pitfalls.

这是一个键盘陷阱。This is a keyboard trap.

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这是一个主要的陷阱。This is a major pitfall.

不要掉入这个陷阱。Do not fall into this trap.

在一个农场的动物陷阱里。A trap for animals on a farm.

不要陷入这些陷阱之中。Do not fall into these traps.

她被诱入陷阱。She was betrayed into a snare.

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得到一个已捕获鬼魂的陷阱。Get slimed by a charging ghost.

你掉进了这个陷阱吗?Have you fallen into this trap?

狐狸在陷阱里被套住。The fox was caught in the trap.

猎人们正忙于设陷阱。The hunters were busy trapping.

但这不再是死亡陷阱。But it is no longer a deathtrap.

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VTP的陷阱默认情况下禁用。VTP trap is disabled by default.

不要被诱惑跌落了陷阱。Do not be seduced into that trap.

猎人们设陷阱捉住一只狐狸。The hunters took a fox by a trap.

但是,这是一个危险的陷阱。However, this is a dangerous trap.

那只鹿被诱入陷阱。The deer was beguiled into a trap.

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不要掉入了常规的陷阱去。Don't fall into the authority trap.

我曾跌入骄傲的陷阱。I once fell into the trap of pride.

多品牌战略是“陷阱”还是“馅饼”?。Is multi-brand strategy trap or pie?