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策略绩效结果,标竿结果,外部评核分数。Strategic performance results, benchmark results, external assessment scores.

不过仅仅四年,资料储存系统中心就达成了这个新的标竿,足足把磁录密度提升了40倍。But in just four years the DSSC had met the new benchmark, a 40-fold increase.

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向着标竿直跑,要得神在基督耶稣里从上面召我来得的奖赏。I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

标竿、共同管制、志愿性行为守则、协商性协定等。Benchmarking, co-regulation, voluntary codes of conduct and negotiated agreements.

卡诺以一支击中右外野全垒打标竿反弹的三分炮带给洋基7比0…Cano made it 7-0 with a three-run shot that bounced off the right field foul pole.

拒绝这次的请求,他已经为将来申请者立下了一个标竿。In refusing the request this time, he has put down a marker for future applicants.

向着标竿竭力追求,要得神在基督耶稣里,召我向上去得的奖赏。I pursue toward the goal for the prize to which God in Christ Jesus has called me upward.

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从去底开始思考,今一直在策划中的"标竿人生40天"事工,再一个星期就。Driven Life 40 Days is about is start in one week. Few days ago, I was looking at the bulle.

向着标竿直跑,要得神在基督耶稣里从上面召我来得的奖赏。I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

向著标竿直跑、要得神在基督耶稣里从上面召我来得的奖赏。I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

根据流刺网及浮标竿之原理,使其维持直立状态漂浮于水面上。The buoy is kept afloat in its vertical position based on afloat gill net and afloat bacon principle.

昆山统一经过数年的经营,已成为昆山外商投资的“标竿企业”。After years of operation, Kushan Uni-President has developed into a benchmark enterprise FOR all FOReign investors.

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研究者乃综合专家学者的鑑定结果和修正意见,试图整理出堪为评量标竿的理性思维计分基准。The final scoring system for reasoning skills assessment was completed on the basis of several revisions and syntheses.

QAA针对餐旅、观光、休閒等子领域建立国订的参考标准,重视学科「标竿陈述」。QAA has established national reference points and benchmark statements for hospitality, tourism and leisure subject areas.

姚明一直是模范标竿且带来许多正面且深刻的影响,希望有一天我也可以跟他一样。He has affected so many people in a positive way while also being a good role-model and one day I hope that I can do the same.

估计任务所需要的时间是有用的,因为它会给你一个标竿,以衡量你的工人的技能。Noting how long the task takes to do is useful because it will give you a bench mark against which to measure your worker's skill.

而年度“最佳人力资源服务机构”奖项目的是为中国人力资源服务机构树立标竿,提升中国人力资源管理服务的行业水平。The "Annual best Human Resource Services" award is to build up a surveyor's pole accordingly promote level of HR service in China.

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这些资料经过系统化地分析和计算,可依产业别发展出采购的绩效标竿。The data are analyzed systematically and calculated so that purchasing performance benchmarks can be developed on an industry basis.

当前大学生道德建设目标体系在“标竿”设置、内容界定、结构设计等方面存在诸多问题,急需进行重构。The concepts of town-country integration and its planning, the goal system for the development of town-country integration are approached.

标竿、围栏、对入侵者的旧警告牌、简陋房屋的后背和长着衰败植物的地块瞪眼看着这条铁路,看得它局促不安。Posts, and rails, and old cautions to trespassers, and backs of mean houses, and patches of wretched vegetation, stared it out of countenance.