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万古长青的理性的纪念物。Monuments of unageing intellect.

愿我们的友谊万古长青!May our friendship be ever green!

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明年我的生命就可以万古长青。Next year, my life will last forever.

我的爱在我诗里将万古长青。My love shall in my verse ever live young.

使之万古长青的友谊永远不会结束。Make it last forever friendship never ends.

我们的爱的不强,不够的,万古长青。Our love's not strong enough tO last forever.

愿此革命友谊万古长青!May this revolutionary friendship remain evergreen.

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伟人的名字在历史将万古长青。The great man's name will be ever new in the history.

他高尚的品格好比苍松翠柏,万古长青。Like pines and cypresses, his qualities are forever great.

现在我们一起举杯为美国国庆和友谊万古长青干杯!Now let’s us toast the July 4th and long live friendships!

最后,祝愿香港和大陆友谊万古长青!Finally may our friendship between the mainland and Hong Kong remain evergreen!

他走了,带着深深的遗憾走了,但为我们留下了一种精神,万古长青的精神。He left with deep regret gone, but left us with a spirit, the spirit will last forever.

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这天,人们热烈欢庆,上街游行,朋友聚会,干杯共祝古老国土爱尔兰万古长青!It is a day for merry making, parades, gatherings of friends, and the drinking of many a toast to the old country!

象征中泰两国人民友谊和佛教交往万古长青。They symbolize the everlasting friendship between the Chinese and Myanmar peoples and the Buddhist exchange between the two countries.

最后,请允许我再次感谢兰毗尼人民对我的盛情款待,祝中尼两国人民的友谊万古长青!At last, please allow me to thank Nepal-China Friendship Society again for your warm hospitality. May China-Nepal friendship lasts forever.

我衷心祝愿埃及人民取得更大的成就,希望中埃、中阿、中非友谊万古长青。I sincerely hope the Egyptian people will make greater achievements and China-Egypt, China-Arab and China-Africa friendships will last forever.

当我f.6学习的时候,我有了一群好朋友,我以为友谊将万古长青,可是我们现在是朋友,但已经没有那么亲密了。When I was studying F. 6, I got bunch of good friends and I assumed that friendship would last forever, hilariously , we are now friends but never that close again.

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我相信,在你们河中国青年朋友的努力下,中非友谊之树一定能够万古长青,中非互利合作一定能够更加兴旺!I'm confident through our joint efforts, the tree of friendship between China and Africa will remain ever-green and our mutually beneficial cooperation even more prosperous.

杨大使与尼方合作种下的小树苗,恰似中尼两国之间的友谊,在双方共同努力下,一定会茁壮成长,万古长青。The small trees that were planted jointly by Ambassador Yang and Nepali side seem to be the friendship between China and Nepal, which will grow smoothly with the joint efforts of both sides.