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第四部分是关于医方违约责任的探讨。Part 4 is about compensation of the doctors' breach of contract.

医疗过错是医方承担医疗责任的核心所在。The negligence of medical action is the focus of medical liability.

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这是造成医方举证困难或无能的原因之一。It is one of the reason for the doctor quote difficultly or impuissantly.

若你的健康有问题,你应该将你的床头放在天医方位。Face If you have any medical problem, you should put your head required a day.

享有知情同意权是法律赋予患者的权利,医方履行告知义务是法定义务。Informed consent right was a legal right to patients and the obligation was a legal duty to doctors.

医方随后宣布失事直升机机长伤重不治死亡,一名领航员中度受伤。The medical helicopter crash pilot then announced that died of wounds, a pilot with moderate injuries.

医疗机构滥用医疗同意书是由于医方对患者知情同意权的误解。As the medical sides misunderstand the informed consent of the patients, so they abuse medical consent.

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主要针对影响医患关系的医方因素进行原因分析及对策研究。This article mainly analyzes the factors of hospital and staff and advances the corresponding countermeasure.

虽然历代医方本草对其功用和炮制方法的记载很多,但其文献比较分散。Materia medica records a lot about its function and processing methods, but the literature are rather scattered.

据统计,283个医方中,共39个医方涉及巫术治病,这是一个不可忽视的数字。According to statistics, there are 39 magic prescriptions in the total 283 ones, and this number shouldn't be neglected.

医患双方因医疗行为发生纠纷诉至人民法院后,对病历中存在改动、添加的痕迹,医方和患方会持截然相反的观点。In civil trial, the doctor and the patient often hold dissenting opinion on the tracks of change and addition in the case histories.

医患关系可在医方履行义务完毕后终止或因法定事由终止。The physician-patient relationship should be terminated when the doctors have fulfilled their duties or the occurrence of statutory causes.

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医方应充分尊重患者的自主性,积极、有效地履行注意和告知义务,并将法律调整与道德调整相结合,以切实保障患者知情同意权的实现。Respecting patients informed consent right is not only the request of both patients and society, but it is the duty of law and ethics as well.

在诉讼中,由谁、依据什么程序来认定医方过错,司法实践操作极不统一。In the lawsuit, by who and use which procedure to recognize the medicine prescription mistake, the judicial practice operation is not quite unified.

医患法律关系是医事法规在调整医方与患方之间的关系中所形成的权利义务关系。The legal relation in medical is something of the right and duty between the hospital and patient when their relation was adjusted by the medical law.

从法理角度分析,手术同意书是患者知情同意权利和医方告知义务的体现。From the perspective of jurisprudence, operation agreement letters embody the knowing and agreeing rights of patients and the informing obligation of doctors.

汉代的医学文献则加强了这一形象,马王堆考古遗址发掘的两份医方把疾病的导致归咎于狐狸精。Han medicinal texts confirm this image, for two medical prescriptions uncovered in the archaeological site of Mawangdui blame fox spirits for causing illnesses.

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医方的告知义务,是指医疗机构及其医务人员就其医疗行为和其它医疗事项向患者所作的充分如实的说明义务。Medical obligation to inform means that medical institutions and staff should describe medical acts and other medical matters fully and factually towards patients.

医疗过失的认定宜采用过错推定原则,由医方来证明其医疗行为无过错,并分析原因。The reorganization of the medical negligence should adopt fault prediction principle which makes the hospital prove themselves un-blamable and analyses the reasons.

2002年秋季,经广西壮族自治区教育厅批准,广西中医学院开始招收首批中医学专业壮医方向五年制本科生。In 2002, approved by the Education Department of Guangxi government, GXTCMU began to enroll undergraduates of Zhuang Medicine with a training duration of five years.