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西壁龛外北侧文殊变。North side of west wall.

那每一个壁龛里。In every niche in the wall.

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壁龛,1354-55,伊朗伊斯法罕Mihrab, 1354-55, Iran, Isfahan

正面墙上壁龛的人物。Statues in the niches of the facade.

你应该能看到一个有一个奖杯的壁龛。You should see an alcove with the trophy.

玛德琳小心翼翼地把它放在岩石壁龛里。Madeleine placed it carefully in the rocky niche.

在北侧半圆壁龛另有一块相似的石头。A similar rocky protrusion was noticed in the north apse.

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天桥壁龛是一个僻静的时刻完美的环境。Walkway alcove is the perfect setting for a secluded moment.

在您的左边会有一个小壁龛过去一走动鸟。On your left there will be a small alcove past a bird walking around.

半圆壁龛的马赛克是由爱尔兰、匈牙利和波兰资助的。The mosaics in the apses were donated by Ireland, Hungary and Poland.

瓦列留厄斯?赫尔马身穿华丽的袍子,站在右首宽敞的壁龛里。Valerius Herma stood in rich robes inside a broad niche to the right.

作为一个极简主义者,我酷爱日式壁龛这样的布置理念。As a minimalist, I love the tokonoma concept for the following reasons

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杜库从壁龛的角上看不太清楚另一个机器人。Dooku couldn't quite see the other droid around the edge of the alcove.

进门之后向右上方看,你将找到一个壁龛。When going through the door, look up and right and you'll see an alcove.

事实上,石头是在圣堂靠近半圆壁龛处被发现的。As a matter of fact, the stone was found close by the apse of the church.

她无法放弃她父亲的枪,所以把它藏到烟囱内的一个壁龛里。Unable to relinquish her father's gun, she hid it in a niche up inside the flue.

走廊两边的壁龛中立着大酒桶,酒桶里满满地盛着银元。In niches upon each side stood great wine-jars filled to the brim with silver pieces.

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谁知这时壁龛里传来一阵低沉的笑声,吓得我头发根根直立。But now there came from out the niche a low laugh that erected the hairs upon my head.

她说,「我们已经有很多空洞的壁龛足以提醒我们这段黑暗的历史。"We have many empty niches to be reminders of the dark parts of our history, " she says.

还有两间明亮的壁龛让客人可以俯瞰城市风景。There are natural lighted alcoves for two by the window where guests can enjoy the city view.