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我告诉他们不用为此烦恼。I tell them not to bother.

小风为此伤透了心。Small wind therefore torn.

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美国-墨西哥边境为此关闭。U.S.-Mexico border closed.

他想让贝拉特里克斯为此偿命。He wanted Bellatrix to pay.

我是否值得为此树敌?Is it worth making an enemy?

为此需要全球团结互助。Global solidarity is required.

为此,我们会做价值评估So,we will make valuation bets.

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为此请看下面的短片。For that, watch the video below.

夫妻俩为此又大吵一架。The couple for a big fight again.

韦斯利为此兴奋异常。Mr Wesley is hugely excited by them.

如果你想赢,那么为此训练自己。If you want to win, train yourself for it.

在我的馀生里我会为此遗憾吗?Will I regret this for the rest of my life?

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联合国为此带来了一个重要方面。The UN brings an important dimension to this.

这样的举动也过线了,我现在不知道为此该做些什么。I'm at the point where I don't know what to do.

我再次为此深表歉仄与遗憾。Once again, I apologize and deeply regret this.

我会为此品尝1,200至1,400种葡萄酒。I'll have tasted 1, 200 to 1, 400 wines for that.

我们支持为此努力的每个国家。We stand behind every country making this effort.

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那位老人宽大为怀,愿上天为此好好报答他吧!May Heaven reward the old man for his forbearance!

全国为此谋杀事件而轰动。The whole country was astir with the murder event.

害怕别人比我先死,我会为此愧疚。Fear they'll die before I do, and I'll feel guilty.