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各业户须提前24小时填妥此表格并交予管理处安排。Application should be submitted to the management office 24 hours in advance.

此外,去年度之业户泊车证,已于2009年1月1日起无效。Besides, the old PERMITS are declared void and invalid as from January 1, 2009.

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本着以诚信为本,开展贸易工作,深受同类业户的好评。In regard honesty and sincerity to carry out trade work, by the same owners at home.

经营业户主要从事餐饮业经营,被百姓戏称“傻吃街”。They are engaged in catering business, and was jokingly called "silly eating street."

现附上施工位置之图则方便各业户参考及所需之配合。The works location of drawing regarding the above is enclosed for your reference and necessary action.

为广大业户提供全方位、个性化、高品质的优质服务。Provides omni-directionally, personalized, the high quality high-quality service for the general owners.

兹为加强停车场保安措施,业户泊车证须每二年更换一次。In order to enhance the security control within Carpark, OCCUPANT PARKING PERMITS must be renewed once per two years.

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业户不得将任何物品、垃圾、自行车等放置于走道等共用部位,以免有碍观瞻和不利于日常清洁。Hallways and common areas should be free of items, trashes and bikes from tenants to avoid clutter and hindrance for regular cleaning.

固定业户应当向其机构所在地主管税务机关申报纳税。Businesses with a fixed establishment shall rep ort and pay tax with the local competent tax authorities where the establishment is located.

这些额外的关心及照料以提升新文华中心的形象,亦都得到业主及业户的赏识。These additional levels of attention and care have raised the profile of the Plaza and have been much appreciated by the owners and occupiers.

敬请各业户于车场驾车行驶时,遵守本车场之守则及请勿超速,避免发生意外,多谢合作!Please be reminded that users should strictly comply with the rules and regulations of the carpark and please do not speeding in order to avoid accident.

业户可自行建帐,也可聘请社会中介机构代理建帐。Business households can establish accounting books on their own. They can also employ intermediate agencies of society to establish accounting books as agents.

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依托货运信息系统,将货运信息服务业户、货运代理业户全部纳入到中心管理。Depending on the freight information platform, the freight information service industry and the freight agent industry can be managed in the information centre.

文章通过分析小型企业和个体工商业户在增值税中遭受的非公平待遇及产生的影响,提出改革增值税的建议和措施。Through analysis of the non-fair treatment suffered by small enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households and its impact, the author proposes some p.

再次,论文引用信誉理论解释了道路客运个体经营业户及受让人的失信行为,并提出了解决措施。Thirdly, this thesis explains the credit lacking in road passenger transportation industry, based on the reputation theory, and puts forward the measure for the problem.

固定业户销售货物或者应税劳务,应当向销售地主管税务机关申报纳税。Businesses without a fixed base selling goods or taxable services shall report and pay tax with the local competent tax authorities where the sales activitees take place.

非固定业户销售货物或者应税劳务,应当向销售地主管税务机关申报纳税。Businesses without a fixed base selling goods or taxable services shall report and pay tax with the local competent tax authorities where the sales activities take place.

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本文的分析可以为政府部门和运输业户控制和管理危险货物道路运输系统提供有益的参考。The analysis of this article may be helpful for government departments and transportation producers to control and supervise dangerous cargo's road transportation system.

轻松医药进销存是专为中小型药店,零售业户度身设计的专用进销存软件!The relaxed medicine enters sells saves is specially the middle and small scale pharmacy, a retail sales owner body designs special-purpose enters sells saves the software!

非固定业户销售货物或者应税劳务,应当向销售地主管税务机关申报纳税。Businesses without a fixed base selling goods o -r taxable services shall report and pay tax with the local competent tax authorities where the sale s activitees take place.