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我将为您转接。I’ll transfer you.

我将为你转接给林涛。I'll get Lintao for you.

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马上为你转接过去。I’ll transfer it for you..

虚拟转接网络?。VSN? Virtual Switching Network?

用来将针头安装在胶筒上的转接头。Adapters to fit needle to cartridge.

我会马上拿一个转接器来。I'll bring you an adapter in a minute.

我需要一个三脚插头的转接头。I need an adaptor for a three-pin plug.

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你可以帮我转接分机4567吗?Can you put me through to extension 4567?

请稍候,我帮您转接。Please hold the line while I transfer you.

能请你帮我转接到二一二号房吗?Could you please put me through to Room 212?

让我给您转接您要的部门。Let me transfer you to the right department.

好的,菲尔波特先生,我这就给您转接。Right, Mr Philpott, I'm putting you through.

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我需要为这个变压器搭配一个转接器。I need an adapter for this voltage converter.

有哪位藻类专家能立刻打电话转接分机4324?Will any algae specialist call extension 4324 stat?

没有转接器我就不能用我的刮胡刀或吹风机了。Without an adapter, I can't use my shaver or dryer.

把芯片粘到转接环上时从未出过问题。I don't have any problem when glue chip for adapter.

请稍候,我将为您转接到客服部。Please hold while I connect you to customer service.

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你好接线员,能帮我转接到102号房吗?Hello, operator?Could you put me through the room 102?

我们无法为您转接中式餐厅。We cannot transfer your call to the Chinese Restaurant.

接线员将把您的电话转接到销售部。The operator will connect you with our sales department.