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这是我以前已写过的题材的续篇。It was a follow-up on something I had written before.

他的续篇,激战2,将继续进行这个传统。Its sequel, Guild Wars 2, is slated to carry on this tradition.

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我在某处发现了这个的续篇,现在发在这里。I found this continuation somewhere, and now I'm posting it here.

这以后她就提供给我关于希刺克厉夫的历史的续篇。And afterwards she furnished me with the sequel of HeathclifFs history.

本文是“成功恋爱”系列的续篇。This article is a continuation of our “Successful Relationship” series.

但是创作一个他1987年开创性的巨作的续篇已成为他存在的理由。But creating a follow-up to his seminal 1987 hit has become his raison d'être.

本杂志五月号将刊载该故事的动人续篇。The May number of the magazine will contain an exciting continuation of the story.

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娜姆身上这截然不同的两面和谐并存,这将有利于她制造精彩的续篇。The reconciliation of the two distinct sides of Namu would make for an excellent sequel.

本文是“本科翻译教学‘观念建构’模式刍议”的续篇。This paper is a continuation of Toward a Conceptualization Approach to Translation Teaching for Undergraduates.

本文是上述文章的续篇,它是用来解释「三一」的含义以及与它有关的术语。As a continuation of my previous paper, this article attempts to ex and plain "Sanyi" and several related terms.

本文是“脉宽调制方式在生理途测和磁带记录上的应用”一文的续篇。This paper is a continuation of "Application of pulse width modulation in radio transmission and magnetic recording".

你把逆转检事看作一个新的系列吗?游戏在日本发售后你们有没有进行续篇的制作?Do you view Ace Attorney Investigations as its own series then? Since the game is out in Japan are you working on a sequel?

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不过,任天堂有一点“欺骗”的说,这是个“感觉不同”的续篇,事实上在目前阶段,“感觉”几乎完全一样。So, Nintendo are fibbing a little when they say it’s a sequel that “feels different.” The truth is, at this stage it “feels” exactly the same.

游戏是作为超任版的续篇,所以那时克罗诺与玛儿还没结婚,梦食者也还没诞生,诸如此类。This game is a sequel to the SNES edition of Trigger, and therefore, Crono and Marle aren't married yet, the Dream Devourer hasn't been born, etc.

本篇是续篇,这些小说从未被视作当代幻想小说名作,尽管在质量上它们总是超越同时代的其他作品。This is my follow-up. These are the stories that are never mentioned as the greats of modern fantasy, in spite of often surpassing the quality of their contemporaries.

这次会议,是早前萨科齐在巴黎召开的会议的续篇,目的在于扩大国际社会对北约扶持的黎波里过渡政权的支持。The meeting, a sequel to an earlier summit in Sarkozy's Paris, is aimed at expanding international support for the NATO-installed National Transitional authority in Tripoli.

以1024个字符为武器,Ficly的用户就可以发起挑战,开始新的故事,为现有故事添加续篇和前篇。Armed with 1, 024 characters, Ficly users issue story challenges, start new story stubs and add sequels and prequels to existing stories. It's a grade school English exercise without the bullies.