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不要删除。Don't remove.

删除一个映像。Delete an image.

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删除一些邮件。Delete some emails.

我们应该删除它吗?Shall we delete it?

我删除了这封邮件。I delete the e-mail.

现在咋不给我删除了呢…Zebu now I deleted it.

删除发泡胶一块。Remove Styrofoam piece.

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那么删除署名。Then remove the byline.

已删除撤消信息。Undo information erased.

我删除了她的侧影。I cut out her silhouette.

好的,我已经将图片删除了。OK, I deleted the picture.

对不起,我把短信删除了。Sorry, I deleted the text.

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茹裹记忆苛苡删除。If memory could be deleted.

那么删除日期标签。Then remove the date stamp.

删除SDC并且再试一次。Delete the SDC and try again.

在选取区域中删除。Delete the isna in selection.

重命名旧的删除表。Renames the old delete table.

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此页已被删除中。This page have been deleting.

本脚本会删除这个回车。The script removes this break.

无法删除运单号。Can not delete tracking number.