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同时,知县在他们摸完后也查看了他们的手。As they withdrew their hands Chen would examine them.

曾任登封县知县。崇祯中历台州知府,解职归。He had been the magistrate of Dengfeng County in Henan Province.

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字岳庭,善化人。乾隆甲午举人,官隆平知县。Word Yue Ting, Shanhua people. Exams Qianlong Sino-Japanese, the official Ryuhei magistrate.

焚香诵经后,知县用一块布帘将钟挡了起来。After lighting incense and chanting prayers, the magistrate had curtains erected around the bell.

一个知县的职责,至少应该分给六个不同的官员。A single local magistrate combines functions which ought to be distributed among at least six different officers.

“我知道一座寺庙,”知县对那些人说,“庙里有口有法力的钟,那口钟可以告诉我谁是小偷谁是好人。"I know of a temple, " he told them, "whose bell has great spiritual power that can tell a thief from an honest man.

知县何承宗带领随从衙役每天起早贪黑到乡下察看灾情,抚慰灾民。The county magistrate He Chengzong led the entourage officer everyday to the country to inspect the disaster, comfort victims.

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宋代河南杞县知县调至固安任职时,将杞柳移植而来,引进柳编技术。Ken to the Song Dynasty in Henangu an Qixian office, Salix integra transplant will come from the introduction of Willow Technology.

他为康熙秀才、雍正举人,乾隆进士。曾任山东范县、潍县知县。He wAS the most successful candidate in the highest imperial examination and had served AS a county magistrate in Shandong Province.

所以,求雨受到了历代朝廷的重视,从皇帝到知县,每遇天旱,都要设坛祭祀。So, by the court for rain attention, from the emperor to the magistrate, every encounter drought, must set up the altar of sacrifice.

霍恩第急忙告诉知县大人,霍元甲刚刚和王芷兰成婚,此时再提婚姻之事过于仓促。First horn and hurried to tell the magistrate there, Huo Yuanjia had just married Wang Zhilan, at the mention of marriage is too hasty.

将军觉得机会到了,便秘密地向清朝皇帝上奏折,弹劾知县在元旦行朝贺礼时举止态度不严肃端庄。Trying to seize that chance, the general secretly reported to the emperor that the magistrate of the county was not serious when saluting.

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刘光第先后在隆昌县四次任知县,被当时的老百姓评为“十佳公仆”。Liuguangdi who was native in Tianjin city had been the head of Longchang four times early or late and called "One of the best ten civil servants".

为了让知县和保、甲长知晓一切,每一个城乡都是由十户一甲所组成。To facilitate this knowledge and that of the local constables, each city and village is divided into compound atoms composed of ten families each.

地保急忙禀报刚刚走出坟地的何知县,说棺材里又发现了死尸,何知县只好又返回墓地。Beadle quickly report just out of the tombs of what know County, said the coffin and found a dead body, what know county had to return to the cemetery.

知县十分欢喜,当堂赏了武松银两,并参他在本县做了都头,专管擒拿盗贼的事。The magistrate was delighted. He gave Wu Sung money as an award and appointed him police officer of the eastern part of the county, in charge of arresting thieves.

知县、士绅经过一番较量后达成妥协,双方都有所损失,但都分别保住了官职与功名。After a few clashes, the magistrate and the gentry reached a compromise. Though both parties suffered some losses, they retained respectively their official post and scholarly honor.

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本文主要利用他在广宁县任知县时的日记,讨论知县与地方士绅的合作与冲突。Mainly using the dairy written by him when he was magistrate of Guangning County, this article discusses the cooperation and confrontation between the magistrate and the local gentry.

袁枚在知县生涯中撰写过许多判犊,但其现存判牍的价值和意义却一直为人们所忽视。Yuan Mei wrote many documents relating to the decisions of law cases when he was a magistrate of a county. But the value and the meaning of the extant documents had always been ignored.

香山知县长期全面管理澳门民蕃事务,其对澳门的管治权力,并没有因香山县丞和澳门同知的设立而有丝毫减弱。The chief of Xiangshan County managed the Chinese and Portuguese of Aomen over a long period of time. Its power was not weakened because of the establishment of the vice-chief and Aomen Tongzhi.