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我学会了往养成这类习气。I was taught to cultivate it.

我没有受他这种不良习气影响。His bad manners don't sit with me.

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我始末没能习气恁地早上床困觉。I never got used to going to bed so early.

美国政府就喜欢繁文缛节,官僚习气。The U. S. government just loves red tapes.

每次至少10分钟,习气抬头挺胸的觉得。At least 10 minutes, upright habit of thought.

他在那个俱乐部沾染上了一些坏习气。He has picked up some bad habits at that club.

必须清除官僚习气。It is necessary to get rid of bureaucratic practices.

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坏习气像鲜馅饼,分食要比保管好。A bad custom is like a good cake, better broken than kept.

马吕斯一直保持着幼年时养成的那些宗教习气。Marius had preserved the religious habits of his childhood.

拂逆地吐痰,在街上吐痰是很紧张的坏习气。Spitting in the street is considered to be very bad mannered.

这儿有一份关于饮食习气的小测试卷。Here is a report on the eating habits of small-volume testing.

习气的清除,带来的结果是神我的智慧或自性的知识。Eradication of Vasana results in Atman-Jnana or Self Knowledge.

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二流子习气他们批评那个懒汉强调自己的小病而不肯干活。They criticized the lazybones for playing up his slight illness.

在身上刺花,比较起来真还不算是人们所说的可怕的习气呢。Comparatively, tattooing is not the hideous custom which it is called.

请问,我怎样才能让我的小孩多参加社交活动而又不染上不良习气呢?How am I supposed to socialize my child while protecting him from germs?

我的这个朋友,他是幸运的,没有养成这类习气。My friend has, fortunately for him, not acquired this type of behaviour.

它对以禅喻诗习气的形成具有先导作用。Besides, it led to the formation of the "comparing poems to Dhyana" habit.

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所以我们只能改动一些不好的生活习气,自但是然就瘦下去了!So we can change the lives of some bad habits, self-but then go on to thin!

贝儿向玫瑰说出本人习气了将就父亲的口胃。Belle to say I will the habit of rose out of the mouth of the father stomach.

故事。倘使你养成这样的习气,你就是一名十分乐成的英语练习者!If you can form this haword. you will be a fairly successful English learner !