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沱江清流变美酒!Turning Tuo River into wine!

疲惫了,让那清流的水声小些。Tired, let the clear stream put down acoustic sound.

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蛋清流到了装肉桂卷的罐头上。Clear amniotic fluid coated the can of cinnamon rolls.

他们都是明朝著名的清流。They are all famous virtuous scholars of the Ming Dynasty.

这乡下的水库以及清流的山泉,我记住了!This is the countryside as well as the clear stream of spring reservoir, I remember!

石桥与碧波清流浑然一体,水景桥景,相得益彰。Bibo stone bridge and a clean seamless, Waterscape King Bridge, complement each other.

然而清流尊王攘夷,其本色和特色都在于不重利害只论是非。But Qing Liu didn't lay emphasis on the harm and only discussed the right or wrong opinions.

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在一股清流的冲击下,杯子里的浑水不断地被稀释、充溢了出来。The fresh water constantly flew into the glass and the dirtied water was diluted and brimmed over.

炎炎夏日,清流透凉的溪水静静地流过散满砾石的小沙滩,我就在那儿钓鳟鱼。On hot summer days the quiet water flowed clear and cold over gravel bars where I fished for trout.

晚清流入上海的花鼓戏中的女性演员为近代上海最早的女伶。The first actresses were those who began to act in Huagu Opera in Shanghai in the late Qing Dynasty.

本月“清流门”诽谤案审判亦牢牢吸引了法国政治阶层的关注。The French political class has also been gripped this month by a trial over the “Clearstream” smear-campaign.

这样的女人需要你投入一生的时间用心灵品读,混浊的灵魂永远也不会与她的清流交汇。This woman needs your life into the heart of time for reading, stuffy soul will never with her a clean intersection.

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对我的敌人你要如同燃烧的火焰,对我所爱的人们,要如同一条永生的清流,且莫要与那些妄存疑心者相交。Be thou as a flame of fire to My enemies and a river of life eternal to My loved ones, and be not of those who doubt.

常见的大约有七种,多为小型鱼类,生活于底质为沙石的清流中。There are seven common kinds , most of which are small ones, living in clear waters with sand and stone at the bottom.

城市是否可以成为一个强大的能滤清许多污垢的过滤器,浊水经过汇出清流纯如许?Whether the city can become a powerful can filter much dirt from the filter, turbidity after remittance clean pure like this?

孔尚任通过清流名士、秦淮名妓、清客艺人三种文化意象,来咀嚼旧国昔年的文化诗意。Kong Shang-ren tasted the cultural poetic flavor through the three cultural images of the celebrities, prostitutes and actors.

由科举正途入仕后,清流和学官则是他近三十年仕履所扮演的主要角色。After pass the imperial civil examination, Qingliu and Educational officer are his main role in his thirty years official career.

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除此之外,鹤市镇风景优美,高山清流两者兼备,小桥古巷相映成趣。In addition, Heshi town is a place of graceful scenery, such as high mountain, flowing water , ancient alley and Bridges sceneries.

晚清流入内蒙古归绥地区的移民主要来自邻近省份的山东、河北、山西、陕西等省份。Qing Dynasty GuiSui, Inner Mongolia migration flows mainly from the neighboring provinces of Shandong, Hebei, Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces.

他看着一汪清流正朝着下游涓涓而去,河上漂浮着几张腐叶和他并肩徐行。He watched the clear current glide sluggishly along while a few decayed leaves floating on the surface of the river kept pace with his slow stroll.