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如果你要道歉,那就真心诚意。If you apologize, mean it.

不过,他们共同拥有的就是真心诚意。They all have in common, however, sincerity.

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有一些赞美和恭维是真心诚意的,而有一些却恰恰相反。Some are sincere. Some are quite the opposite.

亲近神时,要真心诚意的亲近神,和神说话,这样就是在敬拜神。Being genuine when we approach God and talk to God is part of worship.

这一承诺真心诚意,董事会对此非常满意。The board is very satisfied that the commitment is real and heartfelt.

对于任何种族的真心诚意地改变信仰的人,犹太教久已伸出欢迎的手臂。To genuine proselytes of whatever race, Judaism long held out welcoming arms.

他告诉所有的女人他是真心诚意的,然而她们都心知肚明,知道他一位好色男。He told all the women that he was sincere, but they knew he was just a lothario.

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在充斥着恶搞与装字母的网络上,能看到如此真心诚意的东西实属难得。In a web full of irony and posturing, it’s nice to read something genuine and heartfelt.

而要寻求一个“真心诚意的联盟”与我们并肩作战将会是难上加难。It will be a lot harder to get any of the "coalition of the willing" to fight with us again.

他真的会认为我既是一个小魔鬼又是一个小猎犬,真心诚意地做着伤天害理的事,把他给出卖了吗?Would he believe that I was both imp and hound in treacherous earnest, and had betrayed him?

你的顾客是否相信——真心诚意地相信——你的产品值得他们的金钱?Do your customers believe – truly, honestly believe – that your product is worth their money?

这个人的声音里有一种真心诚意,不同寻常,好象是同情的成份。There was something so wholehearted and unusual and seemingly sympathetic in this man's voice.

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我一次也没想过要对他们中的任何一位真心诚意地说一句简单的谢谢。Not one time had I ever bothered to express to any of them so much as a simple, sincere "Thank you."

如果真心诚意的道歉,道歉能够帮助重塑违背者在受害者心中的尊严以及名望。If sincere, apologies can help restore the dignity of the victim and the standing of the transgressor.

他用他著名的愚蠢关于妻子和仆人关系的问题执意修辞学和真心诚意。His famously asinine question about wives and servants was asked rhetorically and with utter sincerity.

空话是没有任何意义的。如果你要道歉,那就真心诚意。不然,就闭上你的嘴巴。There is never any point in empty sentences. If you apologize, mean it. Otherwise keep your mouth closed.

真不知道他到底是真心诚意的赞赏,还是在布下不怀好意的借刀杀人阴谋。I really don't know if it is a heartfelt appreciation or merely setting the motions for the great fallout.

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惟有我们个人真心诚意地接受耶稣基督,祂才会把神儿女的名份赐给我们。It can only happen to those who are willing to receive Jesus Christ personally, definitely for themselves.

有时我希望自己一个人,有时又希望人们乐意、真心诚意地帮助那些有需要的人,但事实上,这并不可能。I hope I am alone and that most people genuinely go out of their way to help humanity but that can't be the case.

一个穆斯林每天都应该向安拉忏悔,并且真心诚意地祈求安拉的慈悯和饶恕。A Muslim is advised to repent to Almighty Allah on daily basis and to sincerely ask for His mercy and forgiveness.