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门上的漆皮已经剥落了。The coat of paint on the door has spalled.

剥除墙壁上的漆皮是一件很麻烦的事。Stripping the paint off the wall is a painful task.

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我这辈子从没看过这麽多漆皮和粉彩色。I've never seen so much patent leather or pastels in my life.

可换股离合器素食主义者,友好,绗缝漆皮。Convertible clutch made of vegan-friendly, quilted patent leather.

"那一定是漆皮做的,"老太太说,"因此才这样发亮!""That must be patent leather!" said the old lady. "They shine so!"

我的香柏木船了六层漆皮外衣,你知道所有这些漆皮的材料吗?My cedar receives six coats of lacquer. Do you know all the ingredients of lacquer?

馅饼表层超薄的光面几乎有着黑漆皮的光泽。The ultra-thin sheen on the surface of the tart had an almost patent-leather brilliance.

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皮革家具也有发展出了一种新的流行趋势,现在的皮革拥有与以往截然不同的形状和颜色,比如各种颜色的漆皮,或者任何你可以想象得到的纹理都可以出现在皮革上。Leather furniture has a new found popularity because now it comes in different shapes and colors.

至于网球鞋与漆皮“牛津”鞋孰优孰劣的问题,他的权威从未有人提出过怀疑。And on the question of pumps versus patent-leather "Oxfords" his authority had never been disputed.

这美丽的挎包袋抵达与银硬件螺栓惊人的细节银漆皮。This gorgeous satchel bag arrives in silver patent leather with stunning details of silver hardware studs.

这个暗蓝色的漆皮皮夹里面有鲍柏格的驾照、图书馆借书证与社会安全卡。The dark-blue patent leather wallet contained Baumberger's driver's license, library cards and Social Security card.

看起来它像是被两枚反坦克高爆弹从前方命中,还有一枚打中了车身只蹭掉了一些漆皮。It looked like it took two HEAT rounds from the front, with the one hitting the hull only making a mess of the paint.

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这种融合性也体现在布料选择上对带有漆皮质地细节的拉菲亚树叶纤维、马海毛、表面起簇毛织物的偏好上。The harmony continues in the fabric choice with preference for bouclé, mohair and raffia with patent leather details.

Suze抬头望了一眼我的衣橱,橱顶上放着一只褐色的皮箱,一只漆皮的大皮箱和三只手提箱包。Suze glances up at my wardrobe, on which are teetering a brown leather case, a lacquered trunk, and three vanity cases.

摄入眼帘的并不多——它包括一些木头、漆皮、银号的标记、石墨铅芯、一点金属片还有一只橡皮。Not much meets the eye -- there's some wood, lacquer. the printed labeling, graphite lead, a bit of metal, and an eraser.

组合上部组成的小山羊皮皮革与漆皮重音符号或软小牛皮漆皮口音。Combination upper consisting of kidskin leather with patent leather accents or soft calf leather with patent leather accents.

同时,本课题的软化方法对北方出土的漆器漆皮的回软处理亦有一定的指导意义。At the same time, the research method of the softening of the lacquer paint from north to soft also has certain directive significance.

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严琦上身一件白色衬衫,外罩黑色夹克,下身配黑色短裙和黑色长筒袜,脚蹬水钻搭扣的黑色漆皮高跟鞋,一头长发用一根粉色发带束在脑后。She was wearing a black jacket over a white blouse, a short black skirt, black hose, and patent-leather black heels with rhinestone buckles.

用电动工具削、磨、刷去不牢固的锈迹、氧化皮、漆皮,以达到指定等级。Removal of loose rust, loose mill scale and loose paint by power tool chipping, decaling, sanding, wire brushing and grinding to a specified degree.

很多的面料经过后期的精细加工带有漆皮和金属的观感,图案生机勃勃非常富有现代感和年轻气息。Many textile materials would show a paint and metal apparent and contain a feeling of modern and young in their pattern after their final procession.