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他摊开几份复印的天气图。He spread out several facsimile weather charts.

讨论了雨区在天气图上占的相对面积问题。In this paper the relative rainfall area in weather chart are discussed.

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第二天,在检查过天气图后,安得鲁租船去她所在的城市。The next day, after checking up on the weather chart , Andrew chart ered a ship to her city.

请大家看这幅天气图。我告诉你,这幅图表是一个艺术杰作。May I please draw your attention to this weather chart? I tell you, this chart is a work of art.

如果我们看一下明天的天气图,我们看到,它将会成为风很大而且很冷。If we look at tomorrow's weather map, we see that it's going to become very windy and rather cold.

气压梯度与天气图上等压线的间隔大小成反比。The atmosphere pressure gradient is an inverse measure of the spacing of the isobars on a weather map.

介绍一种应用常规历史天气图资料进行天气学客观分型的思路和方法。This paper introduces an objective synoptic typing method which uses the routine historical synoptic data.

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对船舶驾驶员学习使用高空天气图分析和预测台风路径有一定的指导作用。This paper will help navigators to learn how to analyze and forecast the path of typhoon with upper air chart.

采用天气图和气象站实测两种风资料推算黄骅港风浪并进行对比。Wave in Huanghua Harbor is calculated by the methods of synoptic chart and wind data, and the two methods are compared.

第二天,在检查过天气图后,安得鲁租船去她所在的城市。The next day, after checking up on the weather chart, Andrew chartered a ship to her city.The ship followed the channel into the port.

利用1968—1987年的海平面天气图资料,分析了爆发性气旋的气候特点。Using 1968—1987 synoptic charts, the climatic characteristics of extratropical cyclones over the North Pacific Ocean have been analysed.

他们集体沿着第七和第八大道移动,像天气图上的风暴一样,早晨朝北卷过去,晚上朝南卷过来。They move en masse along Seventh and Eighth Avenues like a storm system on a weather map, heading north in the mornings and south in the evenings.

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本文应用历史天气图及单站气象资料,分析低纬湛江地区初冬凝霜的天气特征。In this paper, the weather characters of frost in winter in Zhanjiang are analyzed, by historical weather charts and data of single weather station.

介绍一种应用常规历史天气图资料进行天气学客观分型的思路和方法。On the above basis, historical samples for each pattern can be obtained and automatically objective typing of circulations completed with computers.

利用这种方法,各中心台、省台甚至地区台可用小型的计算机分析出高原地区的等压面或地面天气图。By using the method and a suitable horizontal grid system the provincial weather services could get the outlines of the weather patterns in plateau areas.

借助于天气图处理器,可以融入预报员的长期丰富的预报经验,使预报准确性得到提高。With the help of the graphic processor, the forecasters can introduce their long-term and abundant experiences. and improve the accuracy of the forecasts.

风暴轴与每日天气图上的气旋和反气旋路径紧密联系,对天气演变、天气预报和短期气候预测具有重要的指示意义。Storm track is associated with tracks of cyclones and anticyclones in daily synoptic chart, thus it may impact weather change and short-term climate variation.

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该方法与天气图形势分析预报法相比,直观性比较强,各物理因子的计算比较简单,便于在基层台站日常预报业务中使用。As compared with the weather map analysis and prognostic method, it is more direct and simple, hence easy to use in basic weather stations for routine operation.

本文根据实际观测到的天气形势,提出了一种简便易行的高原地区等压面和地面天气图的网格点分析方法。According to observational study a method for analysis of isobaric surface patterns and sea-level pressure field in mountainous regions is developed in this paper.

夏季大陆上季风低压作为持续的天气系统在逐日天气图上并非是明显的,这一发现支持了这一猜想。Supporting this conjecture is the discovery that the monsoon lows over the summer continents are not always evident as persistent features on the daily synoptic charts.