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冬晨,最萧飒的应是山塘的雪吧!Winter morning, most of the bleak Shantang should be it snow!

两处好地方,无限好风光”便是对山塘的生动写照。The two wonderful places, infinitely good scenery. " The song gave a vivid portrayal of Shantang Street."

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夏夜的山塘灯火阑珊,岸上的路人走走停停,无边的遐思沉寂在夜色中。Summer night, in light of Shantang Street, passers-by stop-and-go, in the quiet reflection of the boundless night.

苏州是个水乡,河道多,桥多,而山塘街是最具苏州街巷特征的典型。Suzhou is a water, river, bridge, and Shan Tong Street, Suzhou is the most typical features of streets and alleys.

山塘历史街区真正成为了“老苏州的缩影、吴文化的窗口、天堂里的街市”。Shantang Historic District truly becomes a "microcosm of the old Suzhou, the window of Wu culture and Paradise Shopping Mall."

山塘街始建于唐代宝历年间,公元825年白居易奉命到苏州任刺史。Shan Tong Po Street, was built in the Tang Dynasty over the years, in 825 AD Po Chu-term provincial governor was ordered to Suzhou.

而清乾隆帝对山塘街则是分外青睐,他写的诗中,直接提到山塘的就有9首。The Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Shan Tong Street is particularly popular, he wrote the poem, there is a direct reference to the Shan Tong 9.

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山塘,这篇已经由无数先贤撰写了十多个世纪的文献,而今,我们这一代人正在书写它新的华章。Shantang the literature has been written by countless sages for more than 10 centuries. Today, our generation is writing its new charming chapter.

七里长堤伴着七里长河,山塘历史街区的价值在于它的历史人文和传统风貌。The seven-li dike accompanying the seven-li river, Shantang Historical Street Area's value lies in its history and culture and traditional features.

它中间是山塘河,山塘街则紧傍河的北侧,通过一座座石桥与另一侧的街道连接。It is among the Shan River, Shan Tong Jin Bang Street is on the north side of the river, through a stone seat and the other side of the street connection.

抓好山塘景区与虎丘景区、枫桥景区、苏州古城的联动,同时注重与商贸旅游、休闲旅游、健康旅游、生态旅游的互动,实现资源共享、互利互赢。At the same time, it focuses on interaction of business travel, leisure tourism, health tourism, eco-tourism sharing resources, mutual benefit and win-win.

为此,居民群众和社会各界强烈呼吁尽快实施山塘保护性修复工程。For that the residents and all walks of life strongly appealed to government to implement protection rehabilitation project for Shantang Street as soon as possible.

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仲秋的山塘,犹带离愁,凭窗望月夜已深,醉饮桂花酒,几多相思,年年如是,岁岁依旧。The Mid-Autumn Festival Shantang Street, with a sad, late at night saw a bright moon hanging. Sweet-scented osmanthus wine drunk, miss much, the same year after year.

北江山塘至石角河段浅滩密度大,浅段长、汊道多、滩型复杂。The high density, long shallow, many channels and complicated shoal types are the characteristics of the shoal reach from Shantang to Shijiao on the Beijiang River channel.

山塘街历来还是举行丰富多彩的民俗活动的地方,什么龙舟赛会以及各种庙会、节会、花会往往都在此间进行。Shan Tong Street is always held a variety of folk activities, what will be dragon boat race, as well as various temple fairs, festivals, new developments have often carried out here.

为满足烟地用水和烘烤烟叶,他修筑了容积150立方米的山塘11口,开挖渠道250米,安装管道200米,新修烤房19栋。To meet the water and smoke to tobacco-curing, he built a volume of 150 cubic meters Shan Tong 11, the channel excavation 250 meters, 200 meters to install pipelines, newly built barn 19.