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他们准予他退休。They vouchsafed his retirement.

她是惟一一个准予保释的嫌疑人。She was the only one granted bail.

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他的谈话经过删改后才准予发表。His talk was red-penciled before it got clearance.

我被准予公假前去温习先进的和。I HAs be granted a leave of to absorb the advanced or in.

我被准予公假前去学习先进的和。I have been granted a leave of to learn the advanced and in.

准予对财产拥有留置权以保证义务之履行。A lien against the property is granted to secure an obligation

是谁将独立准予伊拉克和牙买加然后又将它转让给美利坚?Who granted independence to Iraq and Jamaica and ceded it to the USA?

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第三十一条男女双方志愿离婚的,准予离婚。Article 31 Divorce shall be granted if husband and wife both desire it.

9日,我签署法令,准予美国总统拥有单项否决权。On the ninth I signed legislation granting the President a line-item veto.

1540年,国王弗朗索瓦一世准予里昂城拥有丝绸生产的垄断权。In 1540 the king granted a monopoly on silk production to the city of Lyon.

如对本人之应征优先考虑,恳请准予面试。Should you think favorably of my application, kindly grant me an interview.

如感情确已破裂,调解无效,应准予离婚。Divorce shall be granted if mediation fails because mutual affection no long exists.

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戏剧性的是他被准予假释,因为许多人相信他的清白。Amazingly he was granted parole because sufficient doubt remained about his innocence.

在创建设计并准予实现之后,应用程序体系结构并没有停止。Application architecture doesn't stop after the design is created and approved for implementation.

二经本公司登记准予进入市场之证券商业务人员。Associated persons of securities firms that have been registered and approved by this Corporation.

经审查,上述制品符合国家批签发的有关规定,准予出厂。The product mentioned above complies with the concemed provisions and has been approved for release.

现年XX岁,某年某月某日入我校学习,达到毕业水平,准予毕业。XXX, now XX years old, a certain period of a day in my school to graduate level, graduating granted.

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经审查,上述制品符合国家批签发的有关规定,准予出厂。The product mentioned above complies with the concerned provisions and has been approved for release.

新法案应用“授予国籍”取代本来应用的“准予国籍”。Terminology has been changed in the new Act from the 'grant of citizenship' to 'citizenship by conferral'.

对此,本文主张我国应准予地方政府地方公债的发行权,并由西部省区优先试行。With regard to this topic, the thesis argues that China should grant local governments the authority to issue LPD.