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我突如其来给你们添了麻烦。My surprise visit discommoded you.

一阵突如其来的恐惧使她感到眼前一片昏黑。A fog of sudden fear cloaked her vision.

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那座桥被一场突如其来的洪水冲坍了。The bridge was washed out by a sudden flood.

可是现在,由于突如其来的猪流感,这些预测看来都得重做了。But now such forecasts may have to be redone.

突如其来的一阵雨把观众淋了个透。A sudden shower of rain soaked the spectators.

但是,有时候,一些特殊的时刻突如其来。But sometimes, a moment stuns us as it happens.

他听到突如其来的一声吼叫,吓得魂不附体。He could hear a sudden roaring. His blood froze.

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任何突如其来的噪音都有可能使马后踢。A horse may kick at any sudden, unexpected noise.

等候财富突如其来的人三餐不继。He who waits upon fortune is never sure of dinner.

但在他走进酒店在前,他的想法发生了一点突如其来的改变。But on his way in, he has a sudden change of heart.

一个突如其来的形象或警句突然把意境照亮。Sunddly a image or epigram light up the whole mood.

一半的蔬菜在突如其来的寒凉中冻死了。Half of the vegetable freeze out in the sudden cold.

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一个突如其来的礼物救赎了我嗷嗷待哺的心灵。Salvation presented itself in the form of a present.

我爱你,就像渴了的小鸭爱淋着突如其来的阵雨。I love you as the thirsty duck loves a sudden shower.

每件突如其来的令人激动的事情都能加快心跳。Every sudden emotion quickens the action of the heart.

我被一阵突如其来的悲伤,不兴奋淹没了。I was over whelmed by a rush of sadness, not excitement.

有一半水果作物在秋天突如其来的严寒中冻死了。Half the fruit crop froze out in the sudden severe autumn.

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货币发行及信贷增长在9月突如其来的爆发。Money and credit growth unexpectedly spurted in September.

那感觉飘飘欲仙,那刺痛就像突如其来的快感It's like adrenaline, the pain is such a sudden rush for me

这突如其来的孩子一下子就搅乱了宋迪之平静的生活。The sudden children suddenly disturbed Song Di of quiet life.