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人们读书都是靠手抄写。The books people read were all copied by hand.

这全靠手—眼来协调,并且我相信我的能力。It's all hand-eye coordination, and I believe in my ability.

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不过戒指是靠手来衬托的,对吧,亲爱的阿切尔先生?But it's the hand that sets off the ring, isn't it, my dear Mr.

扶手椅是那种有你能靠手的支架的椅子。An armchair is a chair with support which you can rest your arms on.

不过戒指是靠手来衬托的,对吧,亲爱的阿切尔先生?But it's the hand that sets off the ring, isn't it, my dear Mr. Archer?

微弯的靠手和椅背为这系列沙发平添不少温馨况味。With flared arms and back, this sofa series gives off an aura of country yhic.

鸿渐紧握椅子的靠手,防自己跳起来。Hung-chien tightly gripped the armrest of his chair to keep himself from jumping up.

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高椅背紧接着下弯型靠手加上实木微斜椅脚,为沙发加添一份谐和与温馨。The high back glide into a slightly serpentine arm, and tapered wooden feet add warmth.

他是一个触觉类型的人,他靠手摸一些建筑物之类的东西学到很多东西。He is a very tactile learner and always benefits from hands-on activities like building things.

简易的靠手转驱动的锋利刀片能快速地将大量香料切碎。Simple wrist-twist motion activates sharp blades that will quickly mince even large quantities of herbs.

现在,用精密仪器把直的东西弄弯,在过去则是靠手和眼睛。Modern instruments of precision are being used to make things crooked as if by eye and hand in the old days.

那些最好的运动员可以仅仅通过打腿就可以获得足够的浮力,并使自己能够移动得更远,而平常这个浮力是靠手获得的。The best swimmers go further by moving their feet during the kick to produce the same lift force achieved by their hands.

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在二十世纪七十年代,建筑设计仍靠手绘,因此地标建筑在本质上更为传统。In the 1970s, architectural designs were still being hand-drawn and consequently the landmark constructions were more conventional in nature.

从文艺复兴时期开始,带动时钟指针的是相连的齿轮和转轮,以摆锤、重锤或靠手扭紧的发条为动力来源。Since the Renaissance, interconnected gears and wheels—driven by pendulums , weights or springs wound tight by human hands—have turned the arms of clocks.

将缈”。靠手撕,撕不掉,所以我们就用板刷刷,再用手撕干净,就这样,我们反反复复几次,终于打了胜战。Will ". Open to tear, to tear out, so we will use brush to brush, reoccupy hand clean, in this way, we have repeated several times, finally winning the war."