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多少你的小卖店距离未雨绸缪?How much should you tuck away for a rainy day?

我在住宅区附近的小卖铺买了一包绿茶。I bought a pack of green tea in the corner shop.

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请给小卖店打电话,咨询一下他们的价格。Please call the retailer and find out what their price is.

小卖店的肚子也是技术上称为腹壁。The tummy tuck is also technically known as an abdominoplasty.

在候车大厅有小卖铺,可外面小卖铺的东西要比里面的便宜一些。Yes, there are small shops by the waiting rooms, but it is cheaper outside.

在印度,许多乡村小卖铺的店主都要到很远的大批发商那里进货。Many shop owners in Indian villages are beyond the reach of major distributors.

我在机床车间和教堂外,在小卖店和农场与人们握手。I’ve shaken hands with folks outside machine shops and churches, corner stores and farms.

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丈夫每天开着装满鸡蛋的车往街里的几十家小卖店送鸡蛋。My husband drives every day with the pedicab full of eggs to sell the eggs to little family sores.

波溢泗的内心有些孤独,但是他一直没有放弃改变生活的努力,在高山上开了一家小卖店。Boyisi is a famous folk artist of Nu ethnic group. His family has been living in Lumen Village on Gaoligong Mountain for generations.

其他的小卖店虽然分布面很广,但是所卖的东西都是一些很普通的商品,只能满足日常需求,对我们要袛不大。Other small stores takes a lot of areas, but the goods they sold are normal merchandise, which can only satisfy people's daily needs, so they are not threats to us.

早在中央政府使民营企业合法化以前,温州地方政府官员就已经允许一贫如洗的农民经营小卖摊和小工厂。Well before the central government legalized private enterprises, Wenzhou’s local officials were already permitting its destitute farmers to run retail establishments and small factories.