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到目前为止,苹果的竞争对手都溃不成军。Rivals have been routed so far.

傻瓜才在爱情战役里溃不成军。A fool in love battle be utterly routed.

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执着。终于还是零落的溃不成军。Persistent. Finally the scattered be utterly routed.

但美国报业的经营模式似乎已经溃不成军。But the American newspaper's business model appears to be broken.

这是我们的枪骑兵,他们溃不成军,从进攻中败退下来。They were a troop of our Uhlans returning in disorder from the attack.

所谓青春就是是一场无声的兵荒马乱的战争,而我们终究溃不成军。Youth is a silent war and war, and we eventually will be utterly routed.

当洒脱溃不成军节节败退时,只剩下敏感在狂笑。When the free and easy defeated retreat, the only sensitive to the laughter.

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那些年轻时不懂的事,注定让我们的青春,疼得溃不成军。Youth do not understand those things, destined to make our youth, and the pain rout.

在短短几个月内,“基地”组织溃不成军,很多成员被击毙。Within a matter of months, al Qaeda was scattered and many of its operatives were killed.

“你明明已溃不成军,又能逃到哪里?”黑夜里,娇笑如花。"You clearly have yet been completely routed, and then escape where?"Dark night inside, the Jiao laughs such as spend.

后来,这位亿万富翁在“股战”中屡战屡败,溃不成军,最后全军覆没。"Later, This a billionaire in the "Unit warfare, " defeated each time, the battle, the last army was totally annihilated.

滑膛枪兵是先进的火枪部队,威力射程都极为惊人,可穿透任何盔甲,令敌军闻声胆裂,溃不成军。The musket is an improved form of firearm. Firing a heavy shot to a good range, it causes fear, and can pierce any armour.

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他们还宣称,他们有证据表明基地组织几乎溃不成军,只有本•拉登的个人资金来维持组织运作。It also claims it has evidence that al-Qaeda is all but broke, with only Bin Laden's personal moneys financing the organisation.

骑士们训练有素,盔甲精良,手持沉重骑枪,在战场上令敌军闻风胆裂,溃不成军。Well trained, armed with lances and well armoured, this order of elite knights are more than a match for most on the battlefield.

我一直都是美丽世界里的孤儿,孤单,寂寞,执着一旦和温暖相遇,便注定了要溃不成军。I have always been beautiful in the world of orphans, lonely, lonely, dedication and warmth once met, it is doomed to be defeated.

若是在两、三星期以前,我们可能在压力下溃不成军,但是我们保持沉着不乱。显然我球队是朝着正确的方向进步。Two or three weeks ago, we might have crumbled under the pressure. We stayed poised. This team has really progressed in the right direction.

河面上哭声喊声一片混乱,顿时,队伍就像房屋倒塌一样,溃不成军。There was utter chaos 2 of desperate cries and shoutings on the river. All at once, the army collapsed 3 like a fallen building, and was routed.

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群龙无首的燃烧军团在艾泽拉斯上被部落,人类和暗夜精灵的联军打的溃不成军。Without their commander the Burning Legion forces remaining on Azeroth crumbled under the combined might of the Horde human and night elf armies.

用希腊语来讲就是"othismos",如果这样的推搡战术成功,就能击溃方阵的前排,使敌方溃不成军The word in Greek is othismos, and if that was successful as it might be, it could knock down the lines of the front guys and get the other side running.