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但是没有时间自鸣得意。But this is no time for complacency.

他说话时经常一副自鸣得意的样子。He always says something with cock-a-hoop.

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那些拿着啤酒香烟的自鸣得意的家伙呢?The smug guy with the beer and the cigarette?

他们变的懒惰,自满,自鸣得意。They get lazy, complacent, and self-satisfied.

自鸣得意是大多数公司的通病。The problem with most compa-nies is complacency.

民族主义,是在自己的小天地里自鸣得意的雄鸡。Nationalism is a silly cock crow on it own dunghill.

自我感觉优越并自鸣得意,这样的假设是很危险的。Here we are in danger of smugly supposing superiority.

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正当他自鸣得意时,吉良开始感谢他。When Arivama was getting smug over it Kira thanked him.

他总是为他所谓的高雅举止自鸣得意。He is always proud of his so called refinement in manners.

他总是为他所谓有高雅举止自鸣得意。He is always proud of his so-called refinement in manners.

而美狄亚为着自己成功的骗术而自鸣得意着逃离了。Medea flees the scene, smug in the success of her deception.

世界其它国家也不能看着欧洲的灾难而自鸣得意。Nor can the rest of the world look on smugly at Europe’s woes.

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以前我总喜欢自鸣得意到我已经好几年没有买过一张CD了。I like to boast, smugly, that I haven't paid for a CD in years.

这是对那些自鸣得意的设计者的警告。A stark word of warning for self-satisfied designers everywhere.

1887年物理学家们对自己的学科都颇为自鸣得意。IN 1887 physicists were feeling pretty smug about their subject.

他那憨厚的脸庞上流露出一种受到奉承而自鸣得意的傻笑。His stupid good-humored face wears a pleased and flattered simper.

我们应该警惕不要创造出一个自鸣得意,只会批评的阶层来。We should be wary of creating a class of self-satisfied debunkers.

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我记得那副在奥斯特利茨战场的自鸣得意的嘴脸。I remember his fatuous and limited face on the field of Austerlitz.

“知了,知了,知了……”树上,一只蝉儿也在扯开嗓门,自鸣得意地唱呢。Up there, a cicada was also singing complacently amongst green leaves.

所以同恶棍相比,蠢人总是自鸣得意。Thus the fool, as compared with the scoundrel, is invariably self-complacent.